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Chapter 13 Letters of Application Major kinds of application letters Applying for a job Applying for admission to a college / graduate school How to find information on job opening: College and university placement offices; Employment agencies; Professional associations; Alumni associations; Friends and acquaintances; Telephone directories; News media Before you start writing your application letter, you should: identify what skills you possess and analyze your strengths and weaknesses; know something about the employing company (its plans, its policies, its products and its operations); know how your qualifications meet the company’s goals, especially the requirements of the work that the company wants done. Why do you need a letter of application? A letter of application can be an important tool in helping you land an interview—and ultimately, the job you seek. Although resumes and job applications highlight key skills, experience, and education, a letter of application serves other specific purposes: Purposes a letter of application serves A letter of application can help you get the attention of potential employers. By taking the time to develop a letter of application, you can set yourself apart from those who dont. Purposes a letter of application serves (Cont.) A letter of application can help demonstrate that youve done your homework. Detail specific to the job you seek demonstrates that youve taken the time to consider the position, the company, and their needs. Purposes a letter of application serves (Cont.) A letter of application should show off your writing and editing skills. In this sense, a letter of application is actually part of your writing portfolio and gives potential employers a sense of you. Appropriately developed, a letter of application should demonstrate your writing and editing skills and entice potential employers to want to see more. Purposes a letter


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