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名词解释 A Absolute advantage绝对优势:Being able to produce at a lower real cost than another country. Appraising评价:Should be based upon job analysis such that employees should be evaluated based upon the core facets of their job(what they are supposed to do)that is best measured through job analysis. B Balance of international payments国际收支平衡:a nations balance of payments is a summary of statement of all economic transactions between residents of that nation and residents of the outside world that have taken place during a given period of time. C Capital goods资本货物:Capital goods are human-made resources that are used for the production of other goods and services. Corporation有限责任公司:a corporation is a separate legal entity or body, created under the authority of the laws of a state. Comparative advantage比较优势:Trade will benefit both nations provided only that their relative costs, that is ,the ratios of their real costs, are different for two or more commodities. Criminal law刑法:Not only prohibits a specific kind of action, such as murder and bank robbery, but also imposes a fine or imprisonment as punishment for breaking the law Common law习惯法:Common law or case law is unwritten. It is the law established by judges in the process of deciding disputes. Copyright版权:Generally speaking, copyright is the exclusive right to copy a creative work or allow someone else to do so. Central bank银行职能:Central bank is an agency of government, which has important public policy functions in monitoring the operation of the nation g financial system and controlling the growth of its money supply. D Direct investment直接投资:a direct investment is one that give the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company. Dividend红利:Dividends are payments to the stockholders over a given period of time, at a given amount per share. Direct quotation直接报价:gives the quotation in terms of number of home units of currency necessary to buy one unit of foreign currency. E Economics经济学:Economics is the study of c


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