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Unit 5 Business Ethics Teaching Procedures Lead-in Look at the following pictures of big companies with international reputation, Do you know whether they have some problems of business ethics? Listen to this — Japanese companies have started to refine their ethics programs and internal control structures. Some 55% of them have established a corporate code of conduct, ethics guidelines, compliance _________(S1) ? and other such documents, 37% have a department or division dedicated to ethics and compliance issues, and 43% _______(S2) ? hold ethics-related training programs targeting employees. A growing number of Japanese businesses have taken steps to reinforce oversight functions, for example by engaging independent outside directors. In 1997, Sony Corporation took the __________(S3) of cutting its executive board from 38 to 10 directors while introducing the new post of executive officers. Other companies including Omron and Kobe Steel followed suit, and by 2000 about 240 businesses had reportedly made similar _________ (S4) reforms. Listen to this — Even so, the image of companies portrayed by the market and the general public___________(S5) far from ethical. For example, in a survey of students views of the Japanese business community, conducted in autumn 2000, 68% of the respondents agreed that Honest companies are not ___________(S6) ? while dishonest companies are making profits; 63% believed that There is hardly any information as to which companies are ___________(S7) , ; 84% believed that “__________ (S8) ; and 62% agreed that many companies believe its worth engaging in unlawful practices. If this is the new generations perception of reality, it means that______________ (S9) ? . Certainly, companies whose business performance has deteriorated as a result of scandals____________ (S10) ?. But such efforts are not long-lasting if a company fears they will reduce its competitiveness. Listen to this — Japanese comp


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