
毕业论文-A comparison study of tennis in China and the United States精选.doc

毕业论文-A comparison study of tennis in China and the United States精选.doc

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毕业论文-A comparison study of tennis in China and the United States精选

学号 编号 研究类型 分类号 齐鲁师范学院(中石题字) QILU NORMAL UNIVERSITY 毕业论文 Bachelor’s Thesis 学校校徽 论文题目 A comparison study of tennis in China and the United States 作者姓名 指导教师 所在院系 外国语学院 专业名称 英语(师范) 完成时间 2015.4.3 Contents 摘要 i 关键词 i Abstract ii Key words ii A Comparison Study of Tennis in China and the United Stats 1 Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 The origins and dissemination of tennis in the world 1 1.2 Introduced to the United States, and into China 2 Chapter two History of tennis development and main results 3 2.1 The history of U. S.?A tennis development 3 2.2 The history of China tennis development 4 2.3 The contrast of the tennis result 4 Chapter three Different ways of training and the system in tennis 8 3.1 The ways of training and the system in U.S.A 8 3.2 The ways of training and the system in China 9 3.3 different with the way of china and the U.S.A in the tennis 11 Chapter Four Conclusion(to summarize the significance of result and training way) 12 Bibliography: 14 论中美在网球发展方面的对比 摘要:目前,随着中国网球一姐“李娜”的退役,中国网球再无世界领军人物。而反观美国网球的发展,可以说是一棵“常青藤”。领军人物比比皆是,而年轻队员又不断崛起。本文拟通过对比中美在网球发展历史上的不同,比如网球在两国的发展历程,相关网球的培养机制和方法,优秀人物的表率等,寻找中国网球在发展中的不足。通过调查统计法、文献研究、个案研究和描述性研究,找到中过网球发展方面的不足,例如像顶尖球员过少、并且昙花一现,青少年网球优秀运动员储备不足,网球发展制度不完善等。通过对比可以看出,中国网球在发展中,历史相对较短,培养体制和青少年发展还不够健全,培养方式较为单一,后备军不足等缺点。这也让我们看到,中国在今后的网球运动发展和青少年网球发展上可以取得的进步之处。通过吸取美国网球发展的精华,以此多为网球后备力量做有力支持和铺垫,通过多种网球培训方式,特别是政府对地方网球的支持与发展,来增加对网球运动发展的重视,减少青少年学习网球的负担并不断激励,才能有优秀人才不断涌现,取得更加优异的网球成绩。 关键词:网球历史;发展模式 ;成绩对比;今后发展 A Comparison Study of Tennis in China and the United Stats Abstract: At present, with the retirement of Chinese tennis one elder sister Na Li, Chinese tennis has no top athletes in the world.?And the development of tennis in the United States, can be said to be a ivy league.?Leaders can be found everywhere, and young players rise again.?Through this research, the hope can compare in tennis in the history of the development of China


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