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东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:********* 构建多主体农村公共产品供给机制 Constructs the multi- main bodies countryside public product supplies mechanism 学生姓名:xxx 指导老师:xxx 所在院系:网络教育学院 所学专业:农林经济管理 研究方向: 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 2016年9月 摘 要 农村公共产品是指供由范围不同的农村居民消费、享用的,具有“非排它性”和公益性的各类物质或服务产品,涉及农村公共设施、公共事业、公共福利、公共服务等各个领域。具体包括:义务教育、计划生育、优抚救济、社会保障、社会治安,文化、卫生、体育等社会事业,供水、供电、道路等公共基础设施,生态环境建设、环境综合整治,防灾减灾、气象、公共科技资源与服务、病虫害防治,行政、法律和社区服务等。 农业基本经营单位和核算单位的变化带来了农村公共分配秩序和分配关系的变革,并进而要求对农村公共产品的供给机制做出相应的调整。然而,由于家庭经营的制度变迁发生在我国社会产生重大转折的历史时期,既缺乏系统的理论准备和制度设计,也不是自上而下有组织、有计划地实施的,这就决定了制度本身的不完善和发展变迁的长期性:家庭经营自下而上的诱致性制度变迁并未能给诸如农业基础设施、农业技术推广以及农村公益事业等公共产品的供给提供有效的制度安排,现行乡政村治模式下农村公共产品供给机制仍然只是人民公社时期供给机制的继承。 Abstract The countryside public product is refers for expends by the scope different countryside inhabitant, enjoys, has and the public welfare each kind of matter or the service product, involves the countryside public facility, the non-profit organization, the public good, the public service and so on each domain. Includes specifically: The compulsory education, the birth control, give special care to the relief, the social security, the social order, social enterprise and so on culture, health, sports, the water supply, the power supply, the path and so on the public infrastructure, the ecological environment construction, the environment synthesis renovates, takes measures against natural disasters the disaster reduction, the meteorology, the public technical resources and the service, plant disease prevents and controls, administration, law and community service and so on. The agriculture basic management unit and accounting units change has brought the countryside public assignment order and the assignment relations transformation, and then the request makes the corresponding adjustment to the countryside public product supplies mechanism. However, because family management system vicissitude occurs in our country society has the significant transition historical period, also lacks the sy


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