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3D网络游戏角色建模制作研究 摘要:目前我国的网络游戏玩家日益增多,而3D游戏则是当下最主流的游戏类型。二十一世纪的今天伴随着索尼公司和微软游戏机的发布,游戏进入了高品质画面的时代。由于游戏硬件的不断发展和进步,以及人们对游戏画面冲击力的不断追求,次世代游戏在品质上面与传统PC相比上了一个大台阶。由此次世代游戏美术制作相关领域的技术发展也受到游戏美术制作人员的巨大关注。以暴雪公司为首的网络游戏飞速发展,如当时的魔兽世界到近期的守望先锋等一批高品质画面的网游,出现在世人面前,吸引了众多游戏玩家的目光。 和传统游戏相比,次世代游戏是把次世代数字艺术技术融入到游戏之中,通过增加模型和贴图的数据量来改善游戏的画面效果。本文通过仔细分析说明了角色模型设计的原则、规范和流程,从而深入的分析总结次世代角色模型的创建、高模的制作、法线贴图的烘焙,如何选择合适的建模软件和建模方法进行游戏角色的制作。 关键词:maya,zbrush,角色建模,贴图渲染,Photoshop Network 3D game role modeling research Abstract: At present, Chinas online game players are increasing, and 3D game is the most mainstream game type. Twenty-first Century today with the release of Sony Corp and Microsoft consoles, the game entered the era of high-quality screen. Due to the continuous development and progress of the game hardware, as well as the continuous pursuit of the impact of the game screen, the next generation game in the quality above the traditional PC compared to a large step. By this generation game art production related field of technology development also by game art production personnel great attention. Blizzard companies led by the rapid development of online games, such as the then World of Warcraft to the vanguard of the recent watch a number of high-quality screen games, appeared in the world, attracting many players eyes. Compared with traditional games, the next generation game is the next generation of digital art technology into the game, by adding models and textures to improve the amount of data the game screen effect. Through careful analysis shows the principles, norms and procedures of role model design, thus further analyzing and summarizing the role model of the next generation to create, manufacture of high model and texture baking law, making modeling software and how to choose the appropriate modeling method of game character. Key words: Maya, ZBrush, role modeling, texture rendering, Photoshop 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 3D游戏角色的研究意义 1 1.2 3D网络游戏行业现状 1 第2章 游戏角色制作概述 2 2.1 游戏角色的作用 2 2.2 游戏角色制作的关键技术



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