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Ba2Ti9O20微波介质陶瓷流延浆料的流变特性研究 摘 要 流延成型是一种目前使用较广泛,获得陶瓷薄片的成型方法。近年来已经广泛应用于独石电容器瓷片和薄膜电路基片等先进陶瓷的生产。本文以BaCO3和TiO2粉末为原料,采用固相法来合成Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷粉体。介绍了流延成型时各种原料的选择原则、浆料的制备过程、流延工艺以及流延膜片的性能。重点论述了溶剂和分散剂种类的选择、溶剂组合配比、分散剂用量对流变特性的影响。最终用乙醇-甲苯作为混合溶剂,蓖麻油作为分散剂,聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)作为粘结剂,聚乙二醇(PEG)作为增塑剂来配制流延浆料,并进行流延成型观察流延膜片的表观性能。 结果显示:当溶剂组合乙醇(EtOH):甲苯(Tol)=3:1(体积比),固含量为60wt%,分散剂为0.5wt%,粘结剂为5wt%,增塑剂为5wt%时,浆料流变性能最好。 关键词:微波介质陶瓷,Ba2Ti9O20,流延成型,沉降速率 Rheological Properties of Ba2Ti9O20 Microwave Dielectric Ceramic Tape Casting Slurry ABSTRACT Tape casting is a current use more extensive, obtain the thin ceramic chips shaping method. In recent years tape casting has been used widely in multilayer ceramic capacitors and ceramic substrates such as the production of advanced ceramic. Ba2Ti9O20 main phase are prepared from BaCO3 and TiO2 powders and through solid phase method. Introduced all kinds of raw material choice principle, slurry production process, tape casting process and tape performance. Discusses the solvent and dispersant kinds of choices, solvent combination and dispersant content influence rheological characteristics. Finally ethanol and toluene with castor oil was found to be the best solvent and dispersant combination, PVB as the binder and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the plasticizer, and observe performance of tape. The results showed that optimized tape casting slurrywas prepared using EtOH: Tol = 3:1(volume ratio) as the solvent combination, 60wt% solid, 0.5wt% castor oil as the dispersant, 5wt% PVB as the binder, 5wt% PEG as the plasticizer. KEY WORDS: microwave dielectric ceramic, Ba2Ti9O20, tape casting, sedimentation rate 目 录 第一章 绪 论 1 §1.1微波介质陶瓷 1 §1.1.1 微波介质陶瓷的发展及应用 1 §1.1.2 微波陶瓷的主要类型 1 §1.1.3 微波陶瓷的发展趋势 2 §1.2 流延成型工艺 2 §1.2.1 流延成型简介 2 §1.2.2 流延设备 3 §1.2.3 流延工艺的介绍 3 §1.2.4 影响流延膜的因素 7 §1.2.5 流延工艺发展现状 8 §1.3 课题研究的目的、内容及方法 8 §1.3.1 实验目的 8 §1.3.2 课题内容 8 §1.3.3 研究方法 9 第二章 实验过程 10 §2.1 实验的原料及设备 10 §2.2 实验过程 10 §2.2.1 实验工艺过程 10 §2.2.2 制备Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷粉体 11 §2.2.3 选择溶剂系统 11 §2.2.4 分散剂选择 12 §2.2.



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