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MJ—50型数控车床进给传动系统设计 摘要 伺服进给系统是数控机床的重要组成部分,对机床整体性能有着决定性的影响。越来越多的研究人员在进给伺服系统的研究中投入大量精力。研究设计进给系统的结构,并进行误差计算和精度分析,有利于深入了解进给系统的原理和设计方法,进而探求可能的优化设计。以滚珠丝杠螺母副为核心元件的数控车床十字工作台进给系统。十字工作台通过设计理论,首先进行了Z轴(纵向)进给和沿X轴(横向)进给传动系统设计的滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算与选择、滚珠丝杠支承轴承的选择、通过计算选择进给系统的其他相关元器件对传动系统的刚度、惯量匹配等进行了校核验算;证明计算得出的结果较好得满足了提出的设计要求利用Auto CAD软件绘制了相关的装配图。关键词:数控车床进给伺服系统滚珠丝杠螺母副 The Design drives system of CNC Lathes Abstract Servo system is an important part of NC machine tools, having adecisive influence on the overall performance of machine tool. More and more researchers devote a great deal of energy in the study of servo system. Studying on design of feeding system structure, error calculation and precision analysis are helpful for understanding the feed system principle and design method, then exploring possible optimization design. This design of a ball screw pair for the MJ-50 CNC lathe cross slide table of the core components of the feed drive system. MJ-50 CNC lathe feed drive system motors, ball screws, cross table, couplings, rail. CNC lathe feed drive system design theory, the overall program design and the choice of machine precision servo feed drive system; followed along the Z axis (vertical) to feed along the X axis (horizontal) feed drive calculation and selection of the system design of the ball screw nut, ball screw support bearings choice, selected by calculating the other components of the feed drive system, the stiffness of the drive system inertia matching checking checking; again calculation to select the feed drive system, servo motor coupling, the final choice of rail. Better prove that the calculated results must meet the requirements of the proposed design. Using the Auto CAD software rendering the related parts graph and assembly drawing. paper . Key words: CNC lathes, Servo System, Ball screw pair 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 数控机床的概念 1 1.2 数控机床的组成分类及特点 1 1.2.1 数控机床的组成 11.2.2 数控机床的分类 1 1.2.3 数控机床的特点 2 1.3 数控系统的发展简史及国外发展现状 2 1.4 我国数控系统的


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