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492Q型气缸盖双端面铣削 组合铣床总体设计 摘 要 组合机床是以系列化、、、 Abstract Combine the tool machine is an in general use parts that turn, standardizes with the series for the foundation, going together with with the appropriation tool machine that a little amount appropriation parts constitute.It is feat in in large quantity, mass production to a kind of or several category an or a few work preface of the spare parts carries on process.Combine the tool machine can carry on to the work piece to face much, many principal axises process, is a half generally automatic. This design is a design to combine the machine bed. Its use primarily in the production on-line process the both ends of the automotive cylinder cover. In keeping with the production that large quantity measures. The origin designs the medium adoption liquid to press to spread to move the control, wanting that the handiness completes the action on the structure coordination.Presses the system to provide the motive with the liquid, then reduce the workload, lift high-efficiency, also can reduce the personnel to hurt. Key words: Combination machine bed The cylinder covers The system of hydraulic pressure 目 录 引 言 4 1明确任务书,分析原始资料 6 1.1被加工工件的零件图............................................... 6 1.2明确任务书 7 1.3分析原始资料 7 2 组合机床方案的制定 7 2.1 组合机床设计概述 7 2.1.1 组合机床的特点 8 2.1.2 组合机床的分类 8 2.1.3 组合机床发展方向 8 2.1.4 组合机床设计步骤: 9 2.2 确定工艺方案 10 2.3确定机床配置形式及结构方案 10 2.3.1 配置型式的确定 10 2.3.2 结构方案确定 10 3 确定切削用量及选择刀具 11 3.1选择刀具 11 3.2工序余量的确定 12 3.3确定切削用量 12 3.4计算铣削力,切削扭矩,切削功率 13 4 组合铣床总体设计 13 4.1零件工序图 13 4.2加工示意图 14 4.3 动力部件的选择 14 4.4 机床生产率计算 15 4.5机床联系尺寸图的绘制 16 5 液压系统的设计 17 5.1明确系统设计要求 17 5.2分析工况确定主要参数 17 5.2.1负载阻力分析: 17 5.2.2绘制负载图、速度图: 19 5.2.3初步确定液压缸参数: 19 5.3拟订液压系统图 23 5.4计算选择液压元件 27 结 论 29 致 谢 30 参 考 文 献 31 492Q型气缸盖双端面铣削 组合铣床总体设计 引 言 组合机床(Modular Machine)是以系列化、标准化的通用部件为基础,配以少量的专用部件组成的工序集中的高效专用机床。它适宜于在大批、大量生产中对一种或几种零件的一道或几道工序进行加工。它既具有专用机床的结构简单、生产率和自动化较高的特点,又具有一定的重新调整能力,以适应工件变化的需要。 组合机床是随着生产的发展,由万能机床和专用机床发展来的。大家知道,多少年来机械产品加工中广泛采用万能机床。但随着生产的发展,



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