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JIANGXINORMALUNIVERSITY 学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (2006—2010年) 题目:Web程序设计—网页设计 Topic: 指导教师: 学 院: 软件学院 专 业: 软件工程 姓 名: 学 号: 完 成 时 间 : 2012年4 月 摘要 目前,学校与社会上的考试基本都采用传统的考试方式,随着社会的进步,考试类型的不断增加及考试要求的不断提高,老师的工作量将会越来越大。《计算机网络》理论知识点多,算法抽象难懂,故如何提高理论知识的学习效率,科学、规范地评价教学质量是很多授课老师关注的问题。 本系统采用软件工程指导方法,J2EE(Struts2+Hibernate3+Spring2.5)平台技术,选择B/S模式(/Server)本文提出的功能模块划分,对进行详细设计。后,本文着重描述核心功能模块的实现过程中所使用的主要技术手段。DAO;UML Abstract Recently, school and social examination almost follow a traditional way. The style and demands of examination are increasing due to the development of the society, which resulted in the increase of workload of the teachers. Computer network has much of key information in theoretic, and the arithmetic of that is hard to be understand, thus, the most important things that the school teachers care about are how to improve the study efficiency and how to score the quality of teaching scientifically and in a standard way. Software engineering technique、J2EE technique 、Browser/Server (for project design)、Mysql database (for software design) and MyEclipse are used to develop this system. This system is consisted of six units: system management、user management、pronouncement management、former examination collections management、test paper management and score management. People can strengthen the study of theoretic, and can examine the students more fairly、justly、impersonally and generally, with the use of this system. It is a effective approach to score the quality of teaching. This study is based on former examination collcetions of computer network. The entire design of this system is discussed in this study in which different function units are plotted out and each of the units are designed detailedly. This system has many advantages as follows: clear structure、unite interface、making it easy to carry into execution、maintain and update. In conclusion, the emphases in this study are the central des


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