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中央空调 (风机盘管末端型)自控系统设计 摘要 当前,信息技术迅速发展,信息技术已经深入人类活动的各个领域。随着信息技术的日新月异,信息技术对智能建筑各个方面的影响将会更加深远,是对实现智能建筑“智能”的网络系统和管理系统的集成将会产生根本性的变化。,介绍了中央空调控制系统的设计方法和中央空调各组成子系统控制的原理,并用四级控制网络。文中重点分析了以风机盘管机组为空调末端装置,以普通冷水机组为冷源的独立新风空调系统的特点及风机盘管的运行调节方式和选型,最后对新风机组送风温度控制在MATLAB软件环境下进行仿真。 关键词:中央空调,风机盘管,DDC控制,仿真,Delta产品 Design of Central Air-Conditioning Control System (Fan-Coil Units as Terminal Devices)Abstract At the present, the information technique develops quickly, which has already gone deeply into mankinds activity. Technically information changes every day, the influence that information technique to each aspect of intelligence building will be more profound , particularly it will produce root variety towards carrying out the intelligent buildings network system and integration of the management system. In the intelligent building, the central air-conditioning system became the essential equipments. In order to completely auto-control a building, the air-conditioning automation monitoring and control system contain very important function. With a project example of a commercial building,this paper introduces the design method of the central air-conditioning control system and the principle of all sub- system of central air-conditioning, and constitutes the control network with the four-layer control net. Specially the paper analyses the characteristics of the dedicated out door air system taking fan-coil units as terminal devices and an ordinary water chiller as the cold source , the way of regulating and the method of choosing a type to fan-coil. Finally, the simulating to the temperature of air supplied by fresh air installations was carried out with MATLAB software. Keywords:Central Air-Conditioning System, Fan-coil, DDC Control, Simulation, Delta’s Products 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 设计课题的背景 1 1.2 国内外研究动态 2 1.3 本文设计内容 3 2 中央空调系统控制原理分析 5 2.1空调系统简介 5 2.1.1空调系统的分类 5 2.1.2 空调系统的组成 6 2.1.3 空气调节原理 7 2.2 DCS控制系统 8 2.3中央空调各子系统的控制原理分析 10 2.3.1空调机组自控系统 10 2.3.2 新风机组自控系统 12 2.3.3 空调机组全新风/排风自控系统 14 2.3.4 冷


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