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山 东 科 技 大 学 本科毕业设计论文 题 目 交流异步电动机微机保护设计 学 院 名 称 信息与电气工程学院 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化07-3 学生姓名 学 号 指 导 教 师 摘要 本文分析了国内外异步电动机各类保护装置及保护算法的发展现状,借助现代集成电路技术和微电子技术的迅速发展,一改传统电机自动保护模式,以电动机安全可靠运行为中心,在电动机继电保护系统中采用单片机(MCU)设计开发了一种电机继电保护装置。装置可以实时采集电机中电压、电流信号,对采样数据进行保护算法计算,监视当前电动机的工作状态,一旦有故障发生,则进行相应保护动作,并分析出保护原因。 论文首先分析电动机主要故障特点并基于Matlab/simulink进行了仿真,然后论述了继电保护装置的软件、硬件设计以及保护算法的选择与实现。在保护算法的软件设计中,选择均方根采样算法和数字滤波器来实现快速、准确获取电动机的运行参量,选择对称分量法来实现故障的快速判断。基于MCS-51系列单片机设计出了基本的硬件电路,并且绘制了基本的程序框图。 关键词:电动机保护,simulink仿真,单片机 Abstract This paper analyzes the domestic and foreign various protection device and asynchronous motor development present situation, the protection algorithm by means of modern integrated circuit technology and microelectronics technology rapid development, change traditional motor automatic protection mode to motor for the center, safe and reliable operation of the relay protection system in motor adopts single-chip microcomputer (MCU) design developed a motor relay protection device. Device can real-time data acquisition machine, voltage, current signal of sampled data protection algorithm, monitoring the current motor working state, once a fault occurs, then corresponding protection movement, and analyze the protection reasons. Thesis firstly analysis based on the main malfunctions characteristics and motor simulink.this simulation, then discusses the relay protection device and the design of hardware and software of the selection and realize protection algorithm. In the design of software protection algorithm, choose RMS sampling algorithms and digital filters to achieve rapid, accurate obtain motor running parameter, the choice method to realize symmetric component fault fast judgment. Based on MCS - 51 series microcontroller out the basic hardware circuit and mapped the basic program diagram. Keywords: motor protection, simulink, microcontroller 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 异步电机保护的意义 1 1.2 异步电动机保护的发展情况 1 2 异步电机故障分析及



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