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摘 要 随着社会的发展,机械将会越来越取代人力,这也是机械行业飞速发展的后果,在机械的发展历史中,新机械的发明有着举足轻重的作用。但是,那些很久以前就被利用生产并一直延续到今天的机械,更是起着不可替代的作用,卷扬机就是一例。卷扬机的发展就像其他机械一样,从开始的简单到现在的复杂,从以前的机械动力到现在的电力动力,从以前的人工操作到现在的电脑操作甚至智能操作。本设计就传统的卷扬机说起,一直到现在以及将来的发展。 本设计主要设计了卷扬机的卷筒、卷筒轴、卷筒毂、减速器以及滑轮组。其中卷筒和卷筒轴的设计最为主要,本设计重点做了介绍。其余部分由于篇幅有限,只是略作分析。 关键词:卷扬机 卷筒 卷筒轴 滑轮组 Abstract Along with societys development, the machinery will be able more and more to substitute for the manpower, this also will be the mechanical profession rapid development consequence, in the machinery substitution manpower development history, the new machinery invention has the pivotal function. But, these very for a long time on and continue continuously using the production to today machinery, is playing the role which cannot be substituted, the hoist is an example. The hoist development is likely same on other machineries, from starts simply until present complex, from beforehand manpower to present electric power, from beforehand manual control to present computer operation even intelligence operation. This design mentions on the traditional hoist, continuously to present as well as future development. The design instruction booklet has mainly designed 5 ton hoist reels, the reel axis, as well as the block and tackle. Reel as well as the reel axis design is most main, this design has made the introduction with emphasis. Because other parts the length is limited, only makes the analysis slightly. Key words: Windlass Reel; Reel axis Block and tackle 目 录 摘 要……...……………………...………………………………………..Ⅰ Abstract……………………………………………………………………...Ⅱ 第一章 概 论 1 1.1 卷扬机发展概况 1 1.1.1 卷扬机的应用 1 1.1.2 卷扬机的发展概况 1 1.1.4 卷扬机的发展趋势 5 1.2 卷扬机主要类型 6 1.2.1 按钢丝绳额定拉力F分 6 1.2.2 按钢丝绳速度v分 6 1.2.3 按卷筒数目分 7 1.2.4 按动力源分 7 1.2.5 按传动形式分 7 1.2.6 按控制方法分 8 1.2.7 按用途分 8 1.3 电动卷扬机基本结构 8 1.3.1 电控卷扬机 9 1.3.2 溜放型建筑卷扬机 11 第二章 起升机构的组成及型式 11 2.1 起升机构的组成 11 2.2 起升机构的典型传动型式 12 第三章 钢丝绳的选择 15 3.1 钢丝绳的种类和构造 15 3.2 钢丝绳直径的选择 16 3.3 钢丝绳的使用 18 第四章 卷筒的结构设计及尺寸确定 20 4.1 卷筒的分类 20 4.2 卷筒绳槽的确定 21 4.3 卷筒的设计 22 4.3.1



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