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摘 要 随着汽车工业的迅速发展,汽车维修工业也迅速壮大。特别是改革开放以来,我国的汽车维修行业有了很大的发展,为之服务的汽车维修设备行业已成为我国的新兴行业并不断发展壮大。作为汽车维修用必备之一的各种汽车举升机设备如雨后春笋般的涌现。但符合国际标准的不多,中高档层次的举升机没有。 本设计结合汽车技术的发展要求及汽车维修作业的实际需要,设计符合国际标准的、液压驱动及可四轮定位的四柱式汽车举升机。四柱式举升机有四根立柱、两根横梁、用于支撑汽车的两个台板。本设计只采用一个液压缸,其他立柱通过钢丝绳连接以实现同步举升。举升前,汽车很容易正确无误的驶上四柱举升机的台板。其具有承载稳定、支承载荷受力简单、应力较低等优点,具有较高的使用价值。 对于汽车维修企业来说,汽车举升机可能是除厂房外的最重要的投资,因为它具有至关重要和不可替代的作用,甚至直接影响到汽车维修业务的兴衰。汽车举升机是汽车维修设备行业的支柱设备之一,让我们生产出更多、更好、更受用户欢迎的汽车举升机,为汽车维修企业服务。 关键词: 四轮定位,四柱式,液压驱动,同步举升 ABSTRACT Along with automobile industry rapid development, the automobile service industry also rapidly expands. Since the specially reform and open policy, our country automobile service industry have had a great development, the vehicle maintenance equipment industry has become an emerging industry in China and will continue to grow and develop. As one of the essential maintenance equipment, each kind of automobile lift like the emergence of the mushrooming. But little of them can conforms to the international standard. This design combine with automobile technology development request and automobile service work actual needs, designed in line with international standards, four-wheel hydraulic drive, and the positioning of the frame of vehicle lift. Four-post lift has four posts, two beams and two plates. This design only uses one hydraulic cylinder, other columns realize synchronization through the cable. Before lifting, the automobile is very easy to be correctly driven onto the plate of the lift. It has the load bearing stably, the supporting load stress simple, the stress is lower and so on the merit, which has the higher use value. For the vehicle maintenance enterprises, the vehicle lift is the most important investment in addition to plants outside, because it has the function which very important and cannot be substituted, even directly affects prosperity and decline of the automobile service. The automobile lift is one of important equipment in automobile maintenance, Let us produce more, bette



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