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摘 要
Along with the economic growth and social progress, small supermarket which is for people’s living convenience either scale or quantity is constantly developing and expansing. The quantity of commodities has increased dramatically, the relevant goods multiplied, various information also. Commodities management tasks is more and more difficult, and management work demands is also more and more high. And if the supermarket can often analysis all kinds of commodity information, it is possible to make better business decisions in the basis of historical sales data.But the existing large supermarket merchandise management system function was too strong and cause operating trival reducing the working efficiency of the small supermarket. So a simple applicable to small supermarket goods management system is very necessary.
This system is on the analysis of the current commodity information the problems existing in the management of the foundation, the union information management system development concept, structure and system development, the basic principle and method of the development of a set of small commodity information management system, realized based on C/S mode of commodity information management system design and implementation. Incorporates supermarket clerk information and supermarket membership information integrated management and provide a quick various commodity information, staff information, membership information query and management work, realizing the effective standardized management, reducing processing human errors and omissions, significantly improving work efficiency and improving the quality of management small supermarket.
Keywords: Information Management System; System Development; Commodity sales
目 录
1 前言
1.1 课题研究的背景
1.2 课题研究的意义
2 系统分析
2.1 可行性分析
2.2 功能需求
2.3 性能需求
2.4 数据需求
2.5 其他需求
3 总体设计
3.1 设计目标
3.2 系统结构图
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