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摘 要 随着现代化各种科学新技术的快速发展,在日常生活中,我们需要各种身份认证和各种密码认证,还有对各种设备配备钥匙,对保险柜安装防盗系统等等,社会的进步,科技的发展,促使传统的安全系统的抵御能力越来越薄弱。因此,生物特征识别应用而生,开始走进我们身边的各种安全系统,指纹识别作为生物特征识别的一个典型应用已经得到很广泛的应用和认可,指纹特征具有唯一性,是每个人终生不变的特征之一,并且各个人的各个指纹都不一样。本系统采用89C52RC单片机作为主芯片,通过与指纹识别模块FM-180之间通过串口通信方式的通信,采用液晶12864作为显示器,加上简单的外围电路,如按键输入、LED灯报警电路、蜂鸣器电路,最后通过编写软件和制作硬件,实现一个可以通过单片机对指纹的录入,识别,删除等功能操作的指纹识别系统。 关键词 指纹识别系统;单片机89C52;液晶12864 Abstract With the rapid development of modern science a variety of new technologies, in everyday life, we need a variety of authentication and a variety of password authentication, as well as a variety of devices with keys for the safe installation of security systems, etc., social progress the development of technology, to promote the traditional security system resilience increasingly weak. Thus, biometric applications, born around us began to enter various security systems, biometric fingerprint identification as a typical application has been very widely used and recognized, unique fingerprint characteristics, life is not for everyone one variable characteristics, and each persons fingerprints are not the same individual. The system uses 89C52RC microcontroller as the main chip, it passes between the fingerprint recognition module FM-180 serial communication with the communication method by using a liquid crystal display as 12864, plus simple peripheral circuits, such as key input, LED light alarm circuit, buzzer circuit, and finally through the preparation and production of software, hardware, you can implement a microcontroller on the fingerprint input, recognition, and delete functions operate fingerprint identification system. Key words Fingerprint identification system;SCM 89C52;LCD 12864 目 录 1 绪论 5 1.1 课题的背景和意义 5 1.2 生物识别技术概述 5 1.3 指纹识别技术概述 6 1.4 本章小结 6 2 设计方案 8 2.1 设计要求 8 2.2 设计方案 8 2.3 本章小结 8 3 硬件设计 9 3.1 主要元器件选型 9 3.1.1 单片机选型 9 3.1.2 指纹模块 10 3.1.3 液晶显示 11 3.2 电路设计 14 3.2.1 最小系统 14 3.2.3 液晶显示电路 15 3.2.4 指纹通信电路 16 3.2.5 蜂鸣器电路 17 3.2.6 按键电路 18 3.2.7



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