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四、毕业设计(论文)装订顺序 (一)毕业设计(论文)封面 (二)毕业设计(论文)任务书 (三)目录 (四)中文摘要、关键词 (五)英文摘要、关键词 (六)正文 (七)致谢 (八)参考文献 (九)附录(设计图纸、源程序及软件使用说明书等有关内容视情况可单独成册) (十)封底 郑州轻工业学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 _基于JSP技术的_____ _在线考试系统_______ 学生姓名 专业班级 学 号 院 (系) 国际教育学院 指导教师(职称) 完成时间 20 年 月 日 基于JSP技术的在线考试系统 摘 要 如何提高企业员工的技术水平、专业技能被越来越多的企业所关注,员工培训考试自然成为了企业人力资源部门的重要工作内容。借助于网络技术的发展应用,通过建立一套网上在线考试系统,使得员工培训考试可以随时随地进行,组织安排简单方便,极大降低了培训的成本。 本系统基于Jsp技术,通过Struts框架来构建,完全的B/S体系结构,将数据库操作全部封装在DAO类中,使得系统层次结构清晰.实现了人员管理、题库管理、试卷管理、考务管理、系统主界面与登录、在线考试、考试成绩查询。在数据库应用方面实现了题库的存储、试卷的存储、考卷的管理、考试的管理、考试的监控上。可以满足企业组织各种考试、竞赛和绩效考核等,为领导者对员工素质进行公正评价和准确分析提供有力的数据支持。 关键词 在线考试系统/Struts/Eclipse/MySql/Tomcat JSP ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT How to improve the employee’s skill level and special skill was concerned by more and more enterprise, the employee training and examination become one of the most important works of the department of human resource. With the development and apply of network technology, the implementation of an online examination system make the training examination taken anytime and anywhere, save the cost of training. This system is based on JSP and using the structure, a whole Browser server structure. All database operations were encapsulated in DAO class, making the system structure clear.The system realized personal management, question-base management, exam papers management, examination management and login, online exam, online exam result query. In the database aspect, the system realized the storage of questions and exam papers, and the management of examinations and monitoring of it. This system is able to satisfy the needs from companies operating all kinds of exams, competitions and evaluations. The results may provide reliable data support for employees evaluation and analysis. KEY WORDS online examination system/Struts/Eclipse/MySql/Tomcat 目 录(字体没有安要求) 中文摘要 英文摘要 1 绪论 6 1.1 项目背景 6 1.2


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