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摘 要 短路故障也称为横向故障,是破坏电力系统正常安全稳定运行的主要原因。一般分为四种常见的短路情况,分别是三相短路,两相短路、单相接地短路及两相接地短路。利用传统的数学计算分析电力系统故障情况不但工作量大而且危险性高。课题中利用了MATLAB软件对电力系统短路故障进行仿真模拟,这样既可以不偏离实际情况又可以减少实验的危险性。首先建立一个空白的模型,选择Simulink元件库中本身具有的电力系统模块库的模块,分别建立无穷大功率电源供电系统系统和有限大功率电源供电系统,得出四种短路情况分别发生时的图形,然后对两种不同供电系统发生三相短路的进行数学计算得出周期电流的幅值大小和冲击电流的大小。通过相关的系统仿真与计算,结果表明利用MATLAB软件对电力系统进行仿真,方便快捷,同时也具有很高的可靠性。 关键词:短路故障;MATLAB;电力系统 ABSTRACT Short circuit, also known as lateral fault, is the main reason for the destruction of normal power system safe and stable operation. Generally divided into four common short-circuit conditions, which are three-phase short, two-phase short circuit, single-phase ground short circuit and two ground fault. Calculation of power system failure not only a heavy workload and high-risk use of traditional mathematics. The use of MATLAB software subject to short circuit power system simulation, so that both can not deviate from the actual situation and can reduce the risk of the experiment. First create a blank model, select Simulink component library itself has a power system module library modules, namely the establishment of the infinite power supply system power supply systems and limited system, draw graphics were four short-circuit occurs, Then two different phase short-circuit of the power supply system mathematically calculated the amplitude of the current cycle and the impact of the current size. Related systems through simulation and calculation results show that the use of MATLAB software for power system simulation, convenient, but also has high reliability. ??? ?Key words short-circuit fault; MATLAB; power system 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究的背景与意义 1 1.2 设计的主要工作 1 2 电力系统短路故障简介 3 2.1 短路的基本概念 3 2.2 短路的危害 4 2.3 短路计算的目的 5 3 仿真软件 6 3.1 MATLAB的简介 6 3.2 Simulink在仿真中的应用 7 4 无穷大功率电源短路故障计算与仿真 10 4.1 三相短路 10 4.2 两相接地短路 19 4.3 单相短路接地 21 4.4 两相短路 23 5 有限大功率电源短路故障计算与仿真 26 5.1 三相短路故障 26 5.2 两相接地短路 31 5.3 单相短路接地 32 5.4 两相短路 33 6 结论 35 参考文献 36 致 谢 39 1 绪论 1.1 研究的背景



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