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常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 系 部: 信息工程系 专 业: 应用电子技术 题 目: 基于MSP430单片机的环境 参数监测仪的设计制作 指导者: 评阅者: 2014 年 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 温湿度和光照度等参数是标定环境不可缺少的参数,对其进行准确的测量具有重要意义。文以室内居住环境为背景,设计出一种以MSP430F5438A超低功耗单片机为控制核心的环境监测仪。 环境监测系统硬件和软件设计包括温度、湿度、光强、红外和可燃气体浓度传感器芯片采集到的数据,液晶 论文分别对温度传感器模块,单总线湿度传感器模块,光照度传感器模块,气敏传感器模块,红外热释电模块以及按键和液晶显示模块进行了单模块分别调试。在此基础上对这些子程序进行整合调试,最终完成整个监控系统及仪器的设计制作。 体积小、功耗低可靠性高免维护等优点,室内环境参数监测,具有很好的应用前景。 关键词:MSP430 环境参数液晶显示 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 The Design and Production of Environmental Parameter Monitor Based on MSP430 Abstract: Parameters such as temperature, humidity and illuminance are indispensable to the calibration environment, which has important significance for accurate measurement. The aim of this thesis is to design an environmental parameter monitor, which controlled by an ultra-low power MSP430F5438A for indoor and outdoor living environment. The detailed design of hardware and software module including subsystem module in the environmental parameter monitor is proposed in this thesis. The corresponding sensor chip is used to detect and collect the environmental parameter such as temperature, humidity, illuminance, the infrared radiation intensity and combustible gas concentration. The MSP430F5438A analyzes and processed the data which collected by sensor chips, and realized the real-time display and monitoring for parameters on LCD terminal. The thesis proceeds debugging on single module likes temperature sensor module, single bus humidity sensor module, illuminance sensor module, gas sensor module, pyroelectric infrared module and buttons and LCD module, respectively. On the basis of that, after debugging and test on the function and power for the integrated subroutine modules, the design and production of the whole monitoring system and instrument is comp



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