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学 号: 毕业设计说明书 GRADUATE DESIGN 设计题目:基于PROE的汽车差速器三维建模设计 学生姓名: 专业班级: 学 院: 指导教师: 2017年06月09日 摘 要 随着科学技术的飞速发展,人们对出行方式的要求越来越高,而现代社会的主要出行方式还是汽车,而差速器对于汽车的作用又是重中之重,本文有针对性的介绍了汽车差速器的发展过程和工作原理,以及差速器的分类。这就对差速器的更新和设计提出了极大的要求,而手动设计费时费力,而Pro/E的出现,解决了这个问题。 在经济一体化的大环境下,对产品的功能,结构日趋复杂,新产品的更新换代周期不断缩短。本文详细的介绍了Pro/E公司的发展历程和主要模块以及应用领域。运用了Pro/E的强大建模功能,在Pro/E软件中对车速器的各个主要零件进行设计并且装配。让我们了解了通用零件的设计装配的基本过程。应用Pro/E技术进行产品设计,能使设计生产维修工作快速而高效的进行,所带来的经济效益是十分明显的,大大缩短了产品的设计周期。让我们对Pro/E的了解更加深刻。 关键词 汽车差速器;Pro/E;零件装配 Abstract Along with the rapid development of science and technology, people more and more high to the requirement of transportation, and the main way to travel of the modern societys car, and the role of the differential for car is a top priority, this paper introduces the development of the automobile differential targeted process and the working principle, classification and differential.This update and design of differential raised great requirement, and laborious manual design, and the emergence of Pro/E, solved the problem. Under the circumstances of economic integration, the product function, increasingly complex structures, new product update cycle is shortened.This article detailed introduces the Pro/E of the companys development process and the main modules and applications.Using the powerful modeling function of Pro/E, in Pro/E software for the speed of the main parts design and assembly.Let us know about the basic process of the design of general parts assembly.Application of Pro/E technology in product design, fast and efficient design and production maintenance work, brought about by the economic benefit is obvious, greatly shorten the design cycle of the product.Lets understanding of the Pro/E and more profound. Keywords Automobile differential; Pro/E; Parts assembly 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 汽车差速器的发展 1 1.1.1 汽车差速器的发展历程 1 1.1.2差速器的作用 1 1.1.3差速器的工作原理 2 1.1.4差速器的分类 2 2章 Pro/ENGINEER软件介绍 4 2.1 PRO/ENGINEER的发展历程 4 2.2 PRO/ENGINEER的主要模块及应用领域 5 2.3本文主要内容 7 第3



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