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广东工业大学 华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 基于单片机和温度传感器的温度控制系统 系 部 机电与信息工程学部 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 年 级 2012 级 班级名称 12电气2班 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 随着社会的发展,温度的测量与控制显得越来越重要。人类的生活、工业上的控制、天气预报、物资仓管、室内种植等领域都离不开温度的测量与控制。在21世纪,现代科学技术迅速发展,特别是数字技术的应用更是得到大力发展,温控传感器也登上了科学技术的舞台。温度控制控系统通过传感器检测温度,然后将数据输入到处理器处理,可以在数码管或LCD屏等显示出来。然后由控制器可以控制加热或者制冷,从而达到控温的目的。本毕业设计利用单片机STC89C52和温度传感器DS18B20对环境温度进行检测,然后通过处理,再在数码管上显示温度的数值,我们要远程实时控制目标温度,就要利用串口通信,在上位机的VB软件上显示温度数据,然后我们利用LED灯的亮灭来进行模拟加热和制冷。为了保证单片机输入电压的稳定性,故电源部分用电源芯片Viper22a和三端稳压器78L05设计一个5V开关电源。本毕业设计会对每个功能模块进行详细的分析与概述,利用52单片机和DS18B20所组成的温控系统,具有硬件电路简单,软件编程工作量少,测温非常精准,系统稳定,接线少等优点。 关键词ABSTRACT With the development of the society, the temperature measurement and control is more and more important.Human life, industrial control, weather forecast, material warehouse, indoor, and other fields is inseparable from the temperature measurement and control.In the 21st century, the rapid development of modern science and technology, especially the application of digital technology is developing, the temperature sensor is mounted the platform of science and technology.The temperature control system controlled by temperature sensors, and then will be treated as input data to the processor, can be in the digital tube or LCD display.And then by the controller can control the heating or cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of temperature control. This graduation design STC89C52 microcontroller and temperature sensor DS18B20 to test the environmental temperature, and then by processing, again on the digital tube display temperature values, remote real-time temperature control objectives, we will be using a serial port communication, show the temperature data on the PC VB software, and then we use the bright LED lights to simulate the heating and cooling.In order to guarantee the stability of the single chip microcomputer as the input voltage, the power supply by using power Vipe



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