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福州大学至诚学院 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 姓 名: 学 号: 系 别: 电气工程系 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 年 级: 2012级 指导教师: 2016年1月15日 基于单片机的多功能智能窗的设计 摘要现代家居中,窗户但法第一时间通知主人,使用者完全没有发现的意识、、解决无人在室内时随着环境的变化,会做出相应判断,自动开关闭窗户的作用,使室内的财产和安全不会因为环境的变化而造成一定的损失传感监测环境窗户智能化大大的改善了生活质量。 Design of Multi-functional Intelligent Window Based on MCU Abstract The smart home In the modern home, the window is an important part of the can to ventilation and wind and rain, but most of the windows design but perfect, only a simple manual switch windows, no alarm function, the thieves entered the room cannot first time to inform the owner and at the time of the accident, users no sense of discovery, not timely solve. This design is based on STC89C52RC microcontroller as the control terminal, through the sensor to detect the temperature and humidity of the environment, smoke value, care strength. When the leakage of combustible gases inside the room, windows will automatically open ventilation, and sounds the alarm to remind the owner environmental anomalies, such as on a rainy day, system to detect environmental humidity, automatically closing a window, to avoid the rain splashed to the interior caused by unnecessary losses. If a thief to enter the room will touch the sensor, close the windows at the same time issued a warning, the first time to remind the owner of a thief into the room. Photosensitive resistor through the detection of brightness, to determine the day or night on the window, can control the automatic closing window. Can solve unmanned in the interior, with the change of environment, the multifunctional intelligent window will make the corresponding judgment, automatic switch closing window, indoor property and security are not because of changes in the environment caused by a certain degree of loss. At the same time, it has the function of sensing and monitoring environment at any time to change the environment. Make windows intelli



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