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本设计所研究的是实现一个宠物自动喂食器,即将宠物饲料放入其中,设定喂食,当到达这一时间后自动进行喂食。主要研究如何。宠物喂食器系统主要包括单片机控制、自动开关和、间设定系统。喂食器的喂食过程,通过键盘设定,当到达这时间时,。本设计解决了工作时或节假日时由于主人不在不能对宠物进行喂食,避免了宠物由于饮食不正常所产生的问题。在整个系统中,利用单片机对各个系统进行控制。时间通过位七段数码管显示出来。利用键盘设定,单片机不停的读取时间,并判断是否到达喂食时间。开关系统,。同时,当到达喂食时间后关键词:智能;;;The study design is to achieve an automatic pet feeder, pet feed into which will set the five fed point, when you reach this point in time, automatically feeding. The main point of how to set the time within the pet food put out. Pet feeder system includes MCU control, automatic switch and music alert system, the remaining time setting system. Feeder feeding process, the five remaining time set by the keyboard, when the order reaches the five time, while the timer chip to send a signal relay and music, music playback chip, a piece of music attracted the pet, the relay switch is closed So that a red light emitting diode, said switch delivery of food. This design solves the holidays when work or not is not the owner of the pet to feed, to avoid the pet food is not normal because the problems arising.
Throughout the system, the use of single chip control system of each. Countdown to the system time by six out of seven segment digital display. Using the keyboard to set the five remaining time, microcontroller reads the stop time and to determine whether the feeding time arrives. Switching system by the relay and the light-emitting diode, said switch is closed when the relay received high light-emitting diode, said switch is running feeding. Tip has a music system, when the arrival time after feeding a piece of music tips music playback chip to feed pets.
Key words: intelligent; automatic feeding; MCU
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 设计意义 1
1.2 设计要求 1
2 设计方案 2
2.1 按键模块 2
2.2 自动开关模块 2
2.3 蜂鸣器模块 2
2.4 显示模块 3
3 硬件电路的设计 3
3.1 单片机 3
3.1.1 AT89S52单片机的简介 3
3.1.2 AT89S52的时钟介绍 5
3.1.3单片机中断的介绍 7
3.2 电源电路 8
3.3 时钟电路 8
3. 4 复位电路 9
3.5 LED数码管显示 10
3.5.1 数码管显示简介 10
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