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毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:基于单片机的数字电能表设计 就读学校:河南工学院 专 业:工业自动化 学生姓名: 指导教师: 中原工学院继续教育学院 2016年4月 基于单片机的数字电能表设计 The design of digital watt-hour meter based on single chip microcomputer 就读学校:河南工学院 专 业:工业自动化 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2016年4月 摘 要 19世纪三四十年代,中国人民的照明途径还是主要由煤油灯为主,而在经济飞速发展的,科技产品日新月异的今天,电的应用已经深入中国人民的日常生活。电灯、冰箱、空调等等,统统都与电有着密切的关系。电在当今社会不可或缺,同样也涌现出了对电量的计量,从而出现了电能表这一计量仪表。电能表的发展历程主要是由最初的单一费率电能表到如今的复费率电能表。这与我国的多费率用电政策有关,旨在消峰镇谷,平衡用电。同样,在现在科技飞速发展,各种电器,仪表都逐渐趋近于自动化、人性化和智能化。而这些电气设备大都含单片机或者是CPU控制器。 在本次设计中将智能化技术融入电能表中,电能表作为重要的计量仪表,准确性、稳定性都是很重要的。而数字电能表具有精度高、测量准确、读数直观、使用方便等优点。本设计以AT89C51单片机为核心,以逐次比较型A/D转换器ADC0809、八段数码管为主体,构造了一款简易的数字电能表,能够实现同时测量8路0.00~5.00V的直流电压,最小分辨率为0.02V。 关键词:AT89C51ADC0809;数字电能表;八段数码管 ABSTRACT Thirties and 19th century, the Chinese peoples way of illumination is mainly composed of kerosene lamp is given priority to, and with the rapid economic development, science and technology products with each passing day today, the applications of electricity have the Chinese Peoples Daily life. Lights, refrigerator, air conditioner and so on, all has close relationship with electricity. Electricity is essential in todays society, and also emerged for the measurement of the power, thus appeared the watt-hour meter measuring instrument. The developing course of watt-hour meter is mainly composed of a single rate, initial watt-hour meter in todays complex rate watt-hour meter. This is associated with rate more electricity policy of our country, aimed at peak valley town, balance of power. Also, in what is now the rapid development of science and technology, all kinds of electrical appliances, instrument has gradually tend to be automated, humanization and intelligent. But most of these electrical equipment including microcontroller or CPU controller. We will integrate the intelligent watt-hour meter in the design of watt-hour meter as important measuring instrument, the accuracy, stability is very important. And digital watt-hour meter



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