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毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 系部名称: 系 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 201 年月 摘 要 随着自行车行业和电子技术的发展,自行车里程速度计技术也在不断进步和提高,用户对自行车里程速度计的要求也越来越高,因此设计了自行车里程速度计。本文主要研究了以单片机为基础的自行车里程速度器的设计。采用STC89C52单片机为主要控制芯片,运用自行车车轮上的传感器进行计数,通过一定时间间隔对信号的采集,结合自行车本身车轮参数,经过单片机对采集信号进行分析计算,最终在液晶显示器LCD上显示车辆行驶的里程和速度,同时运用其他按键分别自行车单里程计数,瞬时速度、最大速度和平均速度显示以及超速报警。 该设计重点阐述了系统的工作原理、硬件构成、各部分的主要功能以及软件的结构和实现。自行车里程速度计的设计本着安全、方便、节能、人性化的原则进行,可使现代生活显著提高。 关键词:自行车,STC89C52, LCD1602,霍尔传感器 Bicycle mileage velocity meter based on MCU ABSTRACT Along with the development of the bicycle industry and electronic technology, bicycle speedometer technology is also in constant progress and improve, user demand for bicycle mileage is more and more is also high, so I chose bicycle mileage speedometer This article mainly introduced take the monolithic integrated circuit as the foundation rental car fare register design. Uses the 89C52 monolithic integrated circuit for the primary control chip, using the pressed key signal imitation rental car wheel counting signal, simultaneously utilizes other pressed keys to control the rental car movement to carry passengers separately/the spatial vehicle condition, the kilometer idea regulation/waiting time and the traveling schedule expense amount to the demonstration. The system used three groups of nixietubes, the utilization dynamic display technology has demonstrated the distance in kilometer, the standby period and the expense separately. Meanwhile carries on the design using the software programming to the monolithic integrated circuit timer, produces the waiting timed pulse signal. this article elaborated with emphasis systems principle of work, the hardware constitution, various part of major functions as well as softwares structure and realizes. The mileage log system with STC89C52 as control core, using sensors to detect signals, by a certain time interval signal collection, in combination with itself, bicycle wheel parameters through single chip microcomputer for the analy



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