人力资源管理专业的毕业论文 企业员工培训与开发初探.doc

人力资源管理专业的毕业论文 企业员工培训与开发初探.doc

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人力资源管理专业的毕业论文 企业员工培训与开发初探

东北财经大学自考本科毕业论文 企业员工培训与开发初探 作 者 院 系 专 业 年 级 学 号 指导教师 答辩日期 成 绩 内 容 摘 要   对于企业来讲,人力资源开发战略与管理离不开培训体系的建立,建立良好的培训需求体系,才能使企业和员工更好地发展。虽然终身雇佣制被抛弃了,但建立与员工双赢的培训体系、职业发展体系确实更多地被企业接受,也成为员工选择企业重要条件。 本文对我国企业目前的员工培训现状进行分析,阐述做好企业员工培训和培训工作发展对企业的影响及对策。介绍在企业培训过程中,培训需求评估,培训体系建立、培训设置理论指导、内外部培训资源利用、利用虚拟组织和培训实践安排等步骤。使员工从技能培训、标准执行培训,管理培训都收到实效,最终实现员工人生的职业生涯。 因此,员工培训是企业最好的投资,其效果已超出了在厂房、设备及其它硬件环境方面的投入。企业所增强的决不仅仅是点滴的提升,而是企业竞争能力的跃升。最终形成的企业和员工双赢局面。 关键词:培训需求 培训体系 培训发展 Abstract For enterprises, manpower resources development strategy and management are related to the establishment of training system. A good training system accelerates the development of the emprise and the employee. Although lifelong employ system was abolished, training system that benefits both the enterprise and the employee is further accepted by the enterprise and is also an important consideration of the employee’s entering to the enterprise. This article analyses the present situation of the employee’s training and expound the effect to the employee’s training and the development of the training. This article also introduces the judgment of the training demand, the establishment of training system, the theory of training design, the utilization of training resources, and so on. The employee training is the best investment of the enterprise, which is more effective than the investment to factory buildings, equipments and other hard environment. It is not only a little improvement but also the promotion of the competitive ability of the enterprise, and the enterprise and the employee are both the winners at last. Key words:training demand training system training development 目 录 一、我国企业目前的员工培训状况……………………………………………………………………5 (一)培训投资仍严重不足……………………………………………………………………………5 (二)培训体系不健全,模式单调僵硬………………………………………………………………5 (三)培训实践效果差…………………………


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