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高空作业车作业平台自动调平系统设计 [摘 要] 高空作业车是一种应用范围广泛的工程机械,通常用于建筑、市政、机场、工厂、园林、住宅等场所,从事消防、抢险救灾、施工、安装、维护等工作。 高空作业车按工作臂的型式,有四种基本型式,分别为:垂直升降式、折叠臂式、伸缩臂式和混合臂式。本课题研究的是一种最大作业高度为 14 米的混合臂式高空作业车,重点对其作业平台的调平系统进行了研究设计。论文首先介绍了高空作业车工作平台常用调平装置的形式结构和工作原理,分析比较了各种调平技术的性能特点及其适用范围。确定采用电液伺服比例自动调平系统,接着具体阐述了其控制原理:当平台产生倾斜时,角度传感器感知到这一变化量并将它传递给液压系统,从而使液压缸动作推动链轮自动控制平台的水平度,确保操作人员始终保持平衡位置。该系统的应用大大地提高了高空作业车性能的稳定性和可靠性。 [关键词]:高空作业车 作业平台 调平系统 角度传感器 The design of automatic leveling system for the working platform of aerial work platform [Abstract] Leveling Mechanism for Work Platform on Aerial Vehicle Aerial platform is a kind of construction machinery widely used。The high-altitude working machine has been widely used in architecture, city planning,aerodrome,factory,garden, house and other places.It plays an important role in fire protection,dealing with an emergency, construction, installation ,maintenance and so on. Aerial work platform has four types according to the booms, they are uprightness action type; articulated booms type(A-type); telescopic booms type(T-type) and complex booms type(C-type).This thesis discusses and research a C-type platform which working height is 14 meters, it place emphasis on the research and design the leveling system of the working platform. Firstly, this thesis describes typical structures and work principles of some common leveling mechanisms for work platforms on the high-altitude working machine. And features and applicable areas of various leveling technologies are analyzed. Then decides to adopt the electro-hydraulic servo proportional automatic leveling system, and then its control principle is concrete analyzed. when the work platform is slating, the angular sensor will get the change and deliver it to the hydraulic press system. Then the hydraulic cylinder push forward chain-wheel to control the level of the platform, which make sure the operator always keeping balance. With the application of this


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