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语言学Chinese Traditional Marriage

Chinese Traditional Marriage 老马灯,灯老马,灯熄马步停。 飞虎旗,旗飞虎,旗卷飞虎藏。 General introduction “男大当婚,女大当嫁。” Ancient times---one of the three most blessed events. The decision was made by parents and a matchmaker. The red color. Chinese Marriage Customs---three letters and six etiquettes ---Three Letters The Betrothal Letter 聘书:formal document of the engagement , a must in a marriage. The Gift Letter 礼书:given to the identified girl’s family. The Wedding Letter 迎亲书:is prepared and presented to the bride’s family ---Six Etiquettes Proposing 纳采:an unmarried boy’s parents find a matchmaker to present the client’s request to the identified girl’s parents. Birthday matching 问名:ask for the girl’s birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom. 3. Presenting betrothal gifts 纳吉:the bridegroom’s family arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts, 4. Presenting weeding gifts 纳征: the bridegroom’s family would send wedding gifts to the bride’s family. 5. Picking a wedding date 请期:an astrologist or astrology book would be consulted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony. 6. Weeding ceremony 亲迎:the bride is escorted to the bridegroom’s home with a troop of escorts and musicians. On the wedding day Dress up :red clothes, red shoes, red silk veil; red cap, long grown, red silk sash with a silk ball on chest. Reception: the bridegroom sets out to receive his bride with a sedan chair. Kowtows: to Heaven and Earth, family ancestors and parents. A grand feast: the newly couple are required to cross their arms to drink wedding wine. Teasing games in the bridal chamber. Red Head Covers红盖头 Qi Period(479-502)of the Northern and Southern Dynasties: used by women farmers to protect their heads against cold wind and hot sunshine while working in the fields, the cloth could be any color and was big enough to cover the head top. By the beginning of Tang Dynasty(618-907),the cov


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