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2016~2017学年度第二学期 南昌三中教育集团期中英语 试卷讲评分析 Learning aims (学习目标): 1、 掌握试卷中的语言知识及语言运用。 2、 把握解题思路及方法,提高中考题型 的答题技巧。 3、 学会自己分析错误题目,能够力所能 及地改正错题。 Self-study instruction (自学指导) Time: 2 minutes (时间:2分钟) Check the mistakes you have made quickly. Can you try to correct them by yourselves? (请同学们快速检查你做错的试题, 你能试着改正过来吗?) Please correct your mistakes according to the answers. (根据答案改正你的错题。) 1 A 14 C 2 B 15 B 3 B 16 A 4 C 17 A 5 B 18 C 6 A 19 B 7 C 20 B 8 C 21 July 7th 9 A 22 4/four 10 B 23 teachers 11 A 24 singing 12 C 25 the soccer club 13 C Ⅰ. Listening Test(听力测试) 26 C 34 A 27 C 35 B 28 B 29 B 30 D 31 C 32 A 33 D Ⅱ. Single-Choice(单项选择) Please correct your mistakes according to the answers. (根据答案改正你的错题。) 36 A 44 A 52 clothes 37 B 45 B 53 cleans 38 C 46 housework 54 works 39 D 47 too 55 help 40 A 48 asks 41 B 49 do 42 C 50 cooks 43 D 51 delicious Ⅲ. Cloze (完形填空) Please correct your mistakes according to the answers. (根据答案改正你的错题。) 56 D 64 D 57 C 65 A 58 D 66 F 59 C 67 B 60 B 68 A 61 D 69 E 62 A 70 G 63 B Ⅳ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解) Please correct your mistakes according to the answers. (根据答案改正你的错题。) Please correct your mistakes according to the answers. (根据答案改正你的错题。) Ⅴ. Communication(补全对话) 71. What are you doing? 72. Who is it from? 73. Who is Nancy? 74. What movie do you want to see? 75. When does it start? 写作思路点拨: 此习作需要开篇点题,点明自己上学使用的 交通方式。然后写出选择这种交通方式上学 的原因,最后表明自己的观点。 One Possible Version(参考范文) The best way to go to school In our class, some students go to school by bus. Some go to school on foot, others go to school by car. I like to go to school by bike. Why? First, I dont live far from school. Its only about 5 kilometers. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to school. Second, its cheap. Third, riding a bike is good for my health. I think the best way to go to school is by bike. What about you? Listening test Single choice 题号 所考查的内容 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 冠词 介词 how引导的特殊疑问句 动词 情景交际 介词 动词 动词时态 副词 频度副词 选择题(Single choice)所考查的内容 典型例题: 28. - I t


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