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辽东学院毕业论文学生姓名班 级: 专 业: 系 部: 指导教师: 2012年月 【】出租车是城市中的主要交通工具之一,合理的解决出租车的交通管理问题是解决城市交通管理问题的重要方面。根据交通需求理论,对出租车实行不同区域不同的计价标准,将城市中心地区价格上浮,在远离城市的中心地区价格下浮,通过经济杠杆的作用来调节人们的出行方式,达到抑制出租车在城市中心地区的数量的目的,从而解决交通拥挤的状况关键词:单片机出租车计价器存储器 【Abstract】Taxis are the main transportation of city, with the taxi industry development, the calculator for taxis are increasingly demanding, in recent years, the rapid development in a country has thousands of taxi company, therefore, the market is huge taxi devices. Reasonable solution to the problems is the taxi transportation management to solve problems of the urban traffic management is an important aspect. According to the theory of traffic demand of different regions, different taxi valuation standard, the city center area in the city price increases, the central region, the price if the role through economic lever to adjust the people of transportation, suppressing a taxi in the city center area of purpose, thus solving the amount of traffic condition, and the oil, and all the cities are introduced, so the freight prices linkage mechanism of flexible taxi devices valuation standard setting become an indispensable part of the devices. Now the devices are not flexible Settings of standard pricing, reliable function of statistics each replacement of standard and debugging devices needed time for 1 hour. Now most devices with microcontroller as the platform, but the microcontroller program is not common, different pieces have different set of instructions, thus design more difficult. But the FPGA digital programmable device appeared thoroughly solved the problem, but also more stable performance, and design more flexible and can realize more complex function, using EDA software is convenient in computer simulation of design and realization. Keywords:singlechipaximeters memorizer 目录 绪论 1 1系统工作原理 2 1.1 功能说明 2 1.2基本原理 2 2 设计 4 2.1 单片机最小系统单元 4 2.2 A44E霍尔传感器检测单元 5 2.3 AT24C01存储单元 6 2.4


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