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Lesson Fifteen;Teaching Objectives ;The author O.B. Hardison, Jr. (1928 -1990) ;About the Book Disappearing Through the Skylight ;Background Knowledge;Postmodernism (后现代主义) Postmodernism is a term used to designate a multitude of trends– in art, philosophy, religion, technology, and many other areas – that came after and deviated from the many 20th-century movements that constituted modernism. The term has become ubiquitous in contemporary discourse and has been employed as a catchall for various aspects of society, theory, and art. Widely debated with regard to its meaning and implications. Postmodernism has also been said to relate to the culture of capitalism. In general, the postmodern view is cool, ironic, and it accepts the fragmentation of contemporary existence. According to Walter Moss, postmodernism tends to concentrate on surfaces rather than depths, to blur the distinctions between high and low culture, and as a whole to challenge a wide variety of traditional cultural values.;Neomodernism (新现代主义) Modernism is a term that has at times been used to describe a philosophical position based on modernism but addressing the critique of modernism by postmodernism. It is strongly rooted in the criticisms which Habermas has leveled at postmodern philosophy, namely that universalism and critical thinking are two essential elements of human rights and that human rights create a superiority of some cultures over others, that is, that equability and relativism are “mutually contradictory”. Neomodernists maintain that truth still exists in a universal form and directly refute postmodern viewpoints that the essence of an existent is formed in the observer’s bias. Neomodernists stand against the discrediting of the concept of authorial intent in postmodern hermeneutics. Instead, they state that a text written in simple terms can only have the meaning that the author intended, rather than finding that even the most straightforward text can have multiple interpre


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