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书面表达如何写? 练 习 审 题 字 词 文 参 考 答 案 小 结 * How to deal with the composition 书面表达 Letter –writing A Letter Nov 5, 2001 Wuzheng Middle School Zhejiang P.R.C. Jack Tongxiang High School Dear Mary, Body Yours, Jack 亲人、家属:Yours lovingly ; Yours affectionately 朋友、平辈:Sincerely yours Yours sincerely 上级、长者:Yours respectfully Respectfully yours 单位、部门:Yours sincerely Yours faithfully 结束语Closing 信封正面 Stamp Airmail 信封背面 June 5th , 2000 Dear Mr. Zhao, I am sorry that I am unable to attend school during the following week because of the Sports Meet. The school expects me to play an important part in it . And I will be back to class in a week . I hope you will excuse my absence .(in fact , I take a French leave) Yours respectfully Charles Encl: the PE Teacher’s certificate (证明) 便 条(病/事假条) (NOTICE/ANNOUNCEMENT) 口头通知: Ladies and Gentlemen, May I have you attention please? 正 文 书面通知: NOTICE In celebration of May Day , there will be --- 正 文 School Office April 25th , 2000 通知、通告 Wednesday May 5th Cloudy It is nearly a month since I began keeping diaries. I find it a very good exercise in English composition. I got back my essay on A Visit to the Park . It was marked with A.There were only three mistakes in it: one in grammar and two in idiom. I’m happy to see that I can now express myself in English more usually than ever before. , 日记 Diary 五个步骤 1、审题 文字信息 图画信息 题材、人称、时态、要点 2、以词及点:用一两个单词或短语写出每句 话的细节要点。 3、联词成句:用联词成句的方法将上述要点 的词语扩展成句子。 4、联句成文: 注意: ①主语和谓语 ②背景(适当增加时间、地点条件等) ③逻辑关系 ④开头与结尾 ⑤语篇衔接 5、检查


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