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分类号 密级 U D C 毕业设计(论文) 股份有限公司股权激励研究 姓 名: 专 业: 会计学 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 摘 要 一个企业想要得到长远的发展,一套完善的管理体制是必不可少的,只有通过有效的管理企业管理人才和技术骨干,才能保证职员们的相对稳定性,但单靠这个还不够,还要有一套完备的激励机制,企业员工的工作热情被激发,企业才能集体与个人双赢的局面。管理体制和激励制度是相辅相成的,都是企业制度的重要组成部分。企业要实施激励制度,就要充分考察我国的宏观经济环境、证券市场、股权激励和约束机制的相关法规、企业监管结构、企业发展状况及人力资源状况等,通过分析比较后,企业为自己“量身打造”一个股权激励模式,并配备相应的监管手段,保护股东、激励对象的合法权益,从而真正实现激励企业职员和企业长远发展的目标。 本论文以上市公司为视角,通过对具体案例湖南友谊阿波罗商业股份有限公司的股权激励实施情况及产生的影响的分析研究,提出它现存的缺陷,折射出我国上市公司股权激励的现状,针对问题提出建议,希望能对我国上市公司的股权激励起到参考作用。 关键词:股权激励 上市公司 公司市值 人力资本 ABSTRACT An enterprise wants to get long-term development, a sound management system is essential, and only through effective management of enterprise management personnel and technical backbone, to ensure staff are relatively stable, but this alone is not enough, To have a comprehensive incentive mechanism, passionate employees are excited, collective and individual enterprises can be a win-win situation. Management system and incentive system is an important complementary components are enterprise system. Enterprises should implement incentive system, it is necessary to fully examine our macro-economic environment, the stock market, equity incentive and restraint mechanisms of relevant laws and regulations, corporate governance structure, business development and human resources, etc., through the analysis and comparison of companies for their tailored an equity incentive model, and equipped with the appropriate regulatory measures to protect the shareholders legal rights and interests of incentive objects, thus truly motivate employees and their long-term business development goals. Analysis of this paper, the perspective of listed companies, through specific cases Hunan Friendship Apollo Commercial Co. affect the implementation of equity incentive and produced proposed that the existing defects, reflects the current situation



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