外研版七年级下英语Module12 Unit 2 We didn′t see the queen .课件.ppt

外研版七年级下英语Module12 Unit 2 We didn′t see the queen .课件.ppt

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外研版七年级下英语Module12 Unit 2 We didn′t see the queen .课件

* * * * * A holiday journey Unit 2 We didnt see the queen . Look at the pictures . Say something about the pictures . Hyde Park Buckingham Palace Big Ben British Museum Chinese restaurant Tower Bridge Read the email and put these places in the correct order . 1. Hyde Park 2. Big Ben 3. Buckingham Palace 4. British Museum 5. Chinese restaurant 6. Tower Bridge Betty , I hope youre well . Im on holiday in London with my friend jenny . We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel . I went for a walk in Hyde park but jenny didnt come with me because she was tired. Then on Tuesday we saw the clock , Big Ben , and Buckingham palace . Queen Elizabeth lives in the palace , but we didnt see her ! I bought some presents but jenny didnt buy anything ! The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant ! On Thursday morning we relaxed . Then we went to Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city . Its very big! Finally today I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park . I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper . Then I wrote some postcards and sent some emails . I took lots of photos and Im sending them with this email to you! Tomorrow were going to fly home . It was a short holiday , but it was great ! Say hello to your mum and dad . love , Gran Check (√) the ture sentences. 1.They arrived last Sunday . 2.They went for a walk in Hyde Park . 3.They bought lots of presents . 4.On Wednesday they saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace . 5.On Thursday they saw the River Thames and visited Tower Bridge . 6.Today they spend the day at the hotel. 7.She did some shopping on Friday . 8.Jenny went for a walk in the park . √ √ X X X X X X Complete the diary . Monday : arrived by plane ,went to hotel , went for a walk Tuesday : saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace , bought some presents Wednesday : visited the British Museum , had


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