导游英语情景口语Item 8-1.ppt

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导游英语情景口语Item 8-1

Item 8 Tour of Mountains 山、水之旅 The best physicians are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet and Dr.Merry-man. 节食、安静和快乐是良医。 Model 1: On Huangshan 黄山之旅 Warm-up:Could you name the three main peaks and the four wonders of Mount Huangshan in English? The three main peaks of Mount Huangshan: Lotus peak, or in Chinese Lianhua Feng; Bright Summit Peak, or in Chinese Guangming Ding, and Celestial Peak, or in Chinese Tiandu Feng. The four wonders: odd pines, grotesque rocks, cloud seas and hot springs( 奇松,怪石, 云海,温泉). Words and Phrases odd adj. 奇怪的 grotesque adj. 奇形怪状的 world-renowned adj. 世界闻名的 curative adj. 能治病的 marvelous adj. 奇妙的, 了不起的 odd pines 奇松 grotesque rocks 怪石 cloud seas 云海 hot springs 温泉 the Guest-Greeting Pine 迎客松 the See-the-Guest-off Pine 送客松 the Phoenix Pine 凤凰松 the Black Tiger Pine 黑虎松 the Flower of a Dreaming Pen 梦笔生花 Monkey Gazing at the sea 猴子观海 the Turtle Peak 鳌鱼峰 the Five Sacred Mountains 五岳 Useful Expressions 1. Wow, what beautiful scenery! Can we get off the coach and take some pictures? 哇,多美的风景!我们下车拍些照片吧。 2. Look ahead! Have you seen pine trees on that peak with such shapely leaves? 朝前看!你们看见山顶那些形态优美的黄山松吗? 3. Mount Huangshan is world-renowned for its four wonders. 黄山因四绝而闻名于世。 4. The Guest-Greeting Pine always stretches out its arms to welcome guests all over the world. 迎客松总是伸出双臂欢迎五湖四海的宾客。 5. The mountain’s grotesque rocks are given fancy names such as the Flower of a Dreaming Pen, Monkey Gazing at the sea, and Turtle Peak. 黄山怪石冠以奇特的名称,如梦笔生花,猴子观海,鳌鱼峰。 6. Mount Huangshan deserves the fame for “No. 1 Mountain under Heaven”! 黄山不愧为“天下第一山”的美称。 7. One visits no mountains after the Five Sacred Mountains. And after Mount Huangshan, one has no eye for the Five Sacred Mountains. 五岳归来不看山,


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