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模具设计技术3-(注塑不良分析)TROUBLE SHOOTING(164页PPT)
結合線 Weld lines and meld lines 結合線 什麼是結合線? 結合線 (也稱為結合痕或或接合線) 當分流的熔融前端以相反方向匯合時形成. 如果兩股匯入的熔融前端相互平行并形成連結結合是就會產生結合線.小孔或產品上的嵌入物能造成結合線.如果結合線不能避免,則應把它們定位于低應力處與不易看得見的地方(通過調整澆口位置與尺寸大小). 通過增加結合線處局部的溫度與壓力來改善結合線的強度. Weld lines and meld lines What are weld and meld lines? A weld line (also called a weld mark or a knit line) is formed when separate melt fronts traveling in opposite directions meet. A meld line occurs if two emerging melt fronts flow parallel to each other and create a bond between them. Weld and meld lines can be caused by holes or inserts in the part, multiple gates, or variable wall thickness where Hesitation or race tracking occurs. If weld or meld lines cant be avoided, position them at low-stress and low-visibility areas by adjusting the gate position and dimension. Improve the strength of weld and meld lines by increasing the local temperature and pressure at their locations. 如何區分熔接線與結合線 傳統上, 會合角度用于區別熔接線與結合線.如圖1所示,會合角度小于135 o 產生熔接線;大于135 o,就是結合線.注意結合線表面痕跡在會合角度達到120 o ~150 o時會消失.正常地. 熔接線比結合線品質更低,因為熔接線形成後相對較小的分子在其上擴散運動. How to tell the difference between weld and meld lines Traditionally, the meeting angle is used to differentiate weld lines and meld lines. As illustrated in Figure 1 below, a meeting angle, , smaller than 135o produces a weld line; greater than 135o, a meld line. Note that the weld line surface mark disappears when the meeting angle reaches 120o to 150o. Normally, weld lines are considered to be of lower quality than meld lines, since relative lyless molecular diffusion occurs across a weld line after it is formed. FIGURE 1. 熔接線與結合線 FIGURE 1. Weld and meld lines 結合線造成的問題 當產品強度與表面外觀是主要問題點時,熔接線是不理想的.尤其是對纖維加強原料,因為纖維沒有把結合線連接起來,并如圖2所示平行排列定向. Problems caused by weld lines Weld lines are generally undesirable when part strength and surface appearance are major concerns. This is especially true with fiber-reinforced materials, because the fibers do not bridge the weld lines and often are oriented parallel to them, as illustratedn Figure 2 below. FIGUR
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