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Hiroshima Centrifuge (离心机) for nuclear work The energy of nuclear weapon China’s nuclear weapon project 596 548 524 512 506 503 515 575 ICBM nuclear weapon test China’ s nuclear test 钱伟长(1912-2010) 钱三强 and何泽慧 Some stories of Nuclear Weapon FukushimaMarch 11,2011 Fear over radiation Monju fast breeder reactor (文殊快中子增殖反应堆) Pu (plutonium) Tell me about Pu. Po (polonium) polonium-210 is around 250,000 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide(氰化氢 ), the actual LD50(动物实验50%死亡的剂量) for 210Po is about 1 microgram for an 80 kg person compared with about 250 milligrams for hydrogen cyanide). The main hazard is its intense radioactivity (as an alpha emitter), which makes it very difficult to handle safely: one gram of Po will self-heat to a temperature of around 500 °C . Alpha particles emitted by polonium will damage organic tissue easily if polonium is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, although they do not penetrate the epidermis and hence are not hazardous if the polonium is outside the body. Is nuclear power plant safe? Why we build nuclear power plant ? 反场箍缩磁约束聚变实验装置(KTX, “科大一环”) Cold fusion??? Compact Fusion Reactor (CFR)-by Lockheed Martins Skunk Works technology team Next week’s topic Artificial World—Wonderful Materials 邓稼先(中)与杨振宁(左)、杨振平(杨振宁的弟弟) 1949年在美国的合影 1924.06.25-1986.07.29 China’ s last nuclear weapon test, 1996.07.29 我 愿 以 身 许 国 中文:100分 历史:100分 物理:5分 数学+化学:20分 英文:0分 钱三强:经过长期通信,我向你提出结婚的请求,如能同意,请回信,我将等你一同回国。 何泽慧:感谢你的爱情,我将对你永远忠诚。等我们见面后一同回国。 Omar Mouammer al Gaddafi Wen Ho Lee Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ( 《全面禁止核试验条约》 ,CNTBT) Nuclear Power Plant The first nuclear reactor ChelobyleApril 26, 1986 47名核电站工人及9名儿童患上甲状腺癌, 并估计大约4000人最终将会因这次意外所带来的疾病而死亡。 Only 56 killed-by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 国际原子能机构) report Half-life: 铯(Cs)137:30年 碘(I)131:8天 Half-life: 钚(Pu)239:24000年 日本东海村核临界事故 Isotopes and compounds of plutonium are dangerous due to their radioactivity. Based on chemical toxicity (毒性) alone, the element is less dangerous than
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