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C叩ge自由咀 ~UniC阳ditGroup Preface Capgemini, UniCredit, and Efma (European fmanαal marketing association) are pleased to present this 刑nth edition of the WorId R巾iI Banki吃gR伊ort. Because the fmancial and economic cri削has had a tremend侃IS impact on bank operating models and their abil町to handle 1叫u山ty, manage risk and ωmplianα, and generate reve fJJ. e, we have focused this year 叩evaluating the effect of the global fmancial crisis and how to deal with it. We 时pecially h啦light trends in the small bu剑旧俗 market, which is a very important strategic market for retail banks This year、 study, therefore , investigates the challenge small bu剑ness banking faαs to master risk while 臼el,盯rat1川nghu山n白s dev刊d扣ρpmen飞 which was broο创ught ωot, the fore hy the cri凶凶s. As detaile巳d in the 岛f仇ethodology弘 飞 叫r川甘剑削s 凶is bas忧,d 叩0n5血8 in-d由e叩pt由hi川x A飞.ustn川a, Be1gium, China, Croat吨 Czech Republic, Fran倪, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Pola时, Romania , Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turke弘 United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom , and United States Our report provides bankers with an overv忧w of the challenging butα山α1 small business market, proposes a winning model to ov臼come todays risk management and development challenges, highlights the m勾or bene白 of this model, and suggests practiαln四t steps to reach and implement it successfully It is with great pleasure that we pub且也 this 2010 ed山on of the 肌rId RetaiI Banking Rφort. We trust its fmdings will help answer key questions and stimulate debate. Most of all, we want to provide useful information that helps reta让 bankers deal more eff~εct1ve悻with the diff1cult operational and 筑rategic issues th叮will face in the post-cαisis period 乱时忡J r♀ω,-ciL一 Bert



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