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C叩gemini t画画S Ul ll JU .I HN. Ol O‘ .OU Tl OUlcrN ‘ Preface Capgemini and Efma afe pleased to p陀sent the 2012 防衍ld Retai!Bar, μπg Report Retail banks around the world are stru距ling to maintain their ∞mpetitiveness in the face of severe ex阳nal challenges , Massive debt loads afe threatening the global economy,while stringent r喀ulations put in place as a result ofthe fìnanαal crisis of 2008 afe staunchir毡 traditional re 吧 streams, Cu式omers , still distrustful ofthe industry ,have become increasingly 挝cepting of non b:mk alternatives ,and social media is giving them:m opportun叮to publi俨ly explore them More th:m ever ,ret:ül b:mks must strive to create stronger bonds with their customers , The 2012 肌rld R血i!Banking Repψ们ddresses this imperative by es拙h出ng a new framework for identifying and measuring su∞ess in retail banking- Specifically,our Customer Experience Index (CEI) offers a mechanism for a俨cura陀ly takir飞g stock of the criti俨al measure of customer loyalty The CEI improves upon traditional measures of customer attitudes by incorporating customers standards and expectatωns, alongside their channel preferences ,to shecllight on whether customers are having positive experiences in the areas m叫important to them , Our findings show that positive customer ex阳ience is an extremely predictive indicator of customer loyalty, We created the CEI by beginning with a large ,in-depth investigation ofthe many voices and opinions around the world that make up the modern banks retail customer base , Our Voice of the Customer sur 吧 ys quene 才 more than 18 ,000 customers in 35 ∞untries acrωs sixge



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