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2010 年级 医学影像学(课程)试卷
学号 姓名
命题单位:附二 教研室: 放射 教研室主任审核签字:
阅卷人 :
一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 一、简答题(每题5分,共40分)
1. 简述肾细胞癌MRI影像学表现?
2. 简述结核性空洞与癌性空洞的鉴别。
3. 周围型肺癌的CT表现。
4. 对骨肿瘤影像诊断的要求有哪些?
5. 简述胸腺瘤的MR诊断。
6. 举例说明脑内病灶的强化类型。
7. 大脑Willis环的组成是什么?
8. 简述鞍区常见的肿瘤与起源。
1. 试按照恶性程度对星形细胞瘤进行分类,并描述其一般MR表现。
2. 试述MRI应用的新进展。(至少写出5种新技术及其应用,新技术需写出中文名称及英文缩写)
3. 试述良恶性骨肿瘤的鉴别诊断。
5. 试述脑内出血灶成分的演变及相应时期MRI信号特点。
2010 年级专业外语试卷
学号 姓名
命题单位:附二 教研室:放射 教研室主任审核签字:
阅卷人 :
一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 一、翻译以下专业文献摘要
MR imaging of term infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy as a predictor of neurodevelopmental outcome and late MRI appearances
Background Morbidity attributable to hypoxic-ischaemic injury (HIE) in the perinatal period remains problematic, and timely and accurate assessment of the degree of injury is required for clinical management and prognosis. Conventional MR sequences typically appear normal in the first 48 h post HIE. While diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps register the injury earlier, perhaps within the first 24 h, it has been suggested that there may be a propensity at that early stage to underestimate the lesion severity or extent.
Objective To assess whether MR imaging that included DWI, measured ADC values and T1- and T2-weighted sequences ultimately correlated with either neurodevelopmental outcome or with late MR imaging at 2 years of age. In addition, we wished to compare the performance of MR imaging with cranial US imaging.
Materials and methods All infants presenting with HIE who had an MRI within 10 days of life were eligible for enrollment and subsequently underwent a full neurodevelopmental assessment at 2 years of age. All children underwent repeat MRI at this time. All neonates had at le
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