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Eight Ways To Improve Your Sleep (II) 提高睡眠质量的八个关键(II) What can we do to improve our quality of sleep? Here are 8 techniques that you can implement: 我们需要做点什么来提高睡眠质量呢?以下八条建议你可以采纳: 1. Do not exercise within two to three hours prior to sleeping. 1.睡前2-3小时切勿运动 While exercise wears out your body, it also causes a boost of adrenaline through your body that makes your mind all wired, and causes your body temperature to rise. Have you taken a 9 p.m. spinning class and then found yourself tossing around your bed without being able to sleep? Its directly related to the unfortunate timing of your workout. Try a workout in the late afternoon instead. 运动不仅会消耗掉你的精力,还会产生大量亢奋头脑的肾上腺素,并且导致体温上升。你有没有发现在晚上9点骑完动感单车后,只能在床上翻来覆去无法入睡?这就是运动时机不对直接造成的。试试在下午晚些时候运动吧。 2. Dont overeat at dinner. 2.晚饭不宜过饱 A full stomach makes sleeping difficult. Ideally, you should plan your dinner no later than three hours before your bedtime. Focus on protein and healthy fat for dinner, and reduce carbs. Keep your dinner light—you typically won’t need much fuel for the rest of your day anymore at dinnertime. Instead, start having larger meals for breakfast and lunch, when you actually need that fuel. 肠胃太饱会导致失眠。最好的进食时间不能晚于睡前三小时。晚饭要重点摄取蛋白质和健康脂类并减少碳水化合物摄入量。少吃晚饭有益健康---在一天休息之际,你根本就不需要太多能量,而早上和中午正是需要能量的时候,你就要饱餐一顿了。 3. Have a fixed bedtime (ideally before 10 p.m.). 3.固定睡觉时间(最好晚上10点前) While the opinions are divided on what the ideal bedtime is, and if there is a general ideal bedtime or if it’s personal, most health and fitness websites recommend to sleep between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., and its a common Dutch saying that the hours before midnight count double. Try to sleep around the time your body starts to secrete melatonin, which is typically around 9:30 pm. Turn off the TV and your laptop, and make your sleep a priority! 鉴于目前最适宜的睡觉时间分歧不一,每个人的状况又有所不同,所以多数健康保健网站推荐合理的时间段为晚上9点到10点之间。正如那句老生常谈的荷兰谚语“午夜前的睡眠效果是午夜后的两倍”。争取在身体开始分泌褪黑激素时休息吧,这通常大概是晚上9点半。让电视电脑一边去,睡觉才是王道! 4. Sleep in a dark room. 4.睡眠时光线宜暗 Too much light in your room, eith


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