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我想 恩 我喜欢它 I’m gonna sort of…Ah…I love it 这样比较放松 谢谢大家 我喜欢这样的氛围 That’s very relaxing, thank you. I appreciate it 我想知道的不仅仅是我们学到了什么, I want to know not just what we’ve learned, 还包括学习的过程. but how have we learned it. 我们要怎样学习这门课程 How would we study this? 那么 人们最先提出的问题就是 Well, the first question that people ask? 如果我想回放这个 if I want to turn the visual see back, 就按这里 turn down the thing here. 好 就是这样 Ok, it works. 人们怎样开展这项工作呢 How do people do this work? 你们知道关系学家的需要做哪些工作吗 You know? What does it mean to be a scientist of relationships? 如果在生活和工作中 我们都是专业的关系学家 会怎么样呢 How might we all be scientists of relationships in our own lives and in profession? 所以我们要来谈谈 So we’ll talk about…. 我们花费了很长时间讨论我们应该怎样开展这项工作 we spent a lot of time talking about like how do we do this work. 我将从人际关系这一方面说起 I’ll be starting with something like relationships 我在想如果遇到一些令人讨厌的情况 我们该怎么做 例如有人说 I wonder what we are doing in something that irritates me is people say, 你会听到记者们说 哦 爱情 你们怎么去研究它呢 you hear journalists say” oh, love. How do you study that?” 你没法研究它 You know, you can’t study that. 实际上不是 大家可以研究爱情 我已经研究了近二十年了 Yes, you can. I’ve been studying it for almost twenty years. 我可以肯定你们也能够研究它 I assure you can do it. 最后 在这十周课程快要结束之前 我希望你们能够告诉我答案 And then finally I’d like to be informed at the end of ten weeks. 在从现在算起的十周内 我们将会讨论有很多关于人际关系的问题 Ten weeks from now, there are a lot of issues about relationships. 它们非常具有争议性 人们总在讨论这些问题 They are highly controversial and people talk a lot about them. 专家和评论家 Pundits and editorialists 甚至是我们的家人在假日聚会时都会谈论 and our own family members at holiday dinners will say, 我跟你讲一下人际关系的事吧 ”I’ll tell you a thing or two about relationships.” 我并不是想让你们都知道这些事情 Well, not that I want you to be knowing at all anything, 但我想让你们至少都知道的是 But I’d like at least you have in your own head, 不论你愿不愿意说 whether you choose to speak up or not to say 你们碰巧知道一些关于这些事件的数据 I happen to know there are some data that bear on these issues. 是的 And there are. 大多数的时候 这些是研究当代疑难问题的数据 Most of times there are data, research that bear o


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