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* The Development and Challenges of Chinese Pediatric Rehabilitation 中国儿童康复的发展与挑战 一、历史沿革 History 探索开创阶段80-90 Explore stage 普及拓展阶段90-00 Popularization development stage 快速发展阶段00-今 Rapid development stage 20世纪80年代:白内障复明手术、小儿麻痹后遗症矫治、聋儿语训 1980 s: cataract and polio sequela surgery , training for deaf children “八五”期间:增加低视力儿童配用助视器、智力残疾康复训练等 Eighth Five-year plan: increased low vision devices, mental rehab training “九五”期间:增加了肢体残疾儿童矫治手术、残疾儿童辅助器具装配等 Ninth five-year plan: Physical disability surgery, assistive devices “十五”期间:提出到2015年残疾人“人人享有康复服务”的目标,包括残疾儿童 Tenth five-year plan:Put forward the goal of everyone get rehab services by 2015 “十一五”期间:加大对贫困残疾儿童康复的救助,提出“优先开展残疾儿童抢救性治疗和康复,对贫困残疾儿童给予补助,研究建立残疾儿童救助制度” “支持对0~6岁残疾儿童免费实施抢救性康复 11th five-year plan:Increase poverty rehab aid for, put forward priority to develop rapid rehab,disabilities subsidies,assistance system,support for the disabled children aged 0 ~ 6 free rehab “十二五”期间:大规模、全方位开展残疾儿童康复,注重残疾儿童康复制度建设,建立残疾儿童早预防、早筛查、早转介、早治疗、早康复的工作机制 Twelfth five-year plan: large-scale, comprehensive rehab ,the disabled children rehab system construction, establish early prevention, screening, referrals, treatment and rehab work mechanism 二、康复服务现状 Present situation of rehabilitation services 医院康复 Hospital-based rehabilitation (HBR) General hospital, rehab hospital/centre, maternity and child care hospital , childrens hospital (public and non public) 1000所 Institution-based rehabilitation (IBR) disabled persons federation, civil affairs, non public 1000所 Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) Began in the late 1980 205,000个? 机构康复 社区康复 Service way Prevention and Treatmen of CP (for instance, in 12 provinces, 2013) 79.67% could 19.93% could not If it is possible to get diagnosis and treatment in time in local? ?42.97% 综合医院 general hospitals ?27.03% 妇婴医院 maternity and child care hospitals ?20.31% 儿童医院 ch


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