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基于标定的任意半径柱面上二维条形码畸变校正 王伟,何卫平,郭改放,牛晋波,曹西征 (西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造重点实验室,西安 710072) 摘 要:(目的)二维条形码在直接零件标识技术中应用越来越广泛,但对于标刻在柱形零件上的二维条形码,存在扭曲形变的问题。严重的扭曲形变将会改变二维条形码的本原模式,造成识读失效或困难,因此需要进行畸变校正以恢复其本原模式。该内容属于目标复原的主题范畴。(方法)为了校正这种畸变,首先分析了柱面二维条形码的畸变形成原理,然后基于标定的机器视觉装置与透视投影原理建立柱面上二维条形码畸变校正模型,最后在图像信息中推导出拟合椭圆与柱形零件的对应关系,通过拟合椭圆估计出柱形零件半径参数信息,并代入畸变校正模型得到最终的校正结果。(结果)实验选取两幅标刻在不同半径且采用不同视角获取的具有严重扭曲形变的二维条形码图像,根据预先标定好的机器视觉系统与该算法进行校正,实验结果表明,该方法能够有效的校正自由半径柱面上二维条形码的扭曲畸变,且算法时间控制在1秒之内。(结论)当前大多数已知文献仅研究标刻在平面上二维条形码的识别,而该方法扩展了二维条形码的应用范围,即不仅可以作为平面产品的标识,也可以作为柱面产品的标识。当然,根据本文提供的思路,可以将二维条形码的标识面范围扩展到任意已知曲面。 关键词:柱面零件;扭曲畸变二维条形码;参数标定;自由半径估计;扭曲畸变校正; 中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码: Restoration of distorted 2D barcode marked on arbitrary radius cylinder based on calibrated camera Wang Wei, HE Wei-ping, Guo Gai-fang, Niu Jin-bo, Cao Xi-zheng (Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China) Abstract: (Background)In the field of direct part marking technology, 2D barcode is more and more widely used, but there is a problem that 2D barcode marked on cylindrical part would have spatial distortion which will result in reading difficult. Existing algorithms mostly attempt to recognize 2D barcode marked on the plane which only have perspective and incline distortion. However, they can hardly recognize 2D barcode marked on cylindrical part because the pattern of 2D barcode is changed by spatial distortion. (Objective)For correcting this difficulty, a new method should be presented to recovery the distorted 2D barcode, and the radius parameter of cylindrical part should be automatically got without manual measurement. (Methods)It firstly analyzes the principle of forming distorted 2D barcode marked on cylindrical part, and establishes a spatially distorted 2D barcode correction model based on calibrated machine vision mechanism and the principle of perspective projection, then deduces the relationship between fi


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