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年 级 高一 学 科 英语 版 本 人教实验版 内容标题 必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes 编稿老师 林静 【本讲教育信息】 一、教学内容 必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes (一)重点单词 (二)重点短语 (三)重点句型 二、知识精讲 (一)重点单词: 1. burst (1) vi.破裂,爆炸 例: Water-pipes often burst in cold weather. 水管在寒冷的天气里经常爆裂。 (2)vt.突破,冲撞 例: They burst the door open. 他们把门撞开了。 (3)n.某事的突然爆发 a burst of ... 一阵…… 例: a burst of laughter /anger /applause 一阵笑声/怒火 /掌声 知识拓展: burst into + n. = burst out + v.-ing 突然做某事 例: burst into laughter/tears =burst out laughing/ crying 突然大笑/大哭 典型例题: One minute she burst into _____ and the next burst out _____- We just couldn’t catch her mood at any moment. A. crying, laughter B. tears, laughing C. tears, laughter D. crying, laughing 答案:B 2. ruin (1) n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟,遗迹 例: The war brought ruin to the country. 战争给国家带来了毁灭。 常构成短语: in ruins 破败不堪;成为废墟 例: The earthquake left the whole town in ruins. 那次地震过后,全城到处是一片废墟。 (2)v. I was ruined by that law case. 我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。 It poured with rain and my dress was ruined. 大雨倾盆,我的连衣裙已被淋得不成样子了。 典型例题: “After World War II, many of the cities across western European countries ________,” our guide said. A. lied in ruin B. lied in ruins C. lay in ruins D. lying in ruins 答案:C 3. injure v. 损害,伤害 例: Smoking will injure your health 吸烟会损害你的健康。 知识拓展: injury n. injured adj. 受伤的;受损坏的 the injured 受伤的人;伤员 辨析:injure; hurt; wound ※hurt使受伤;使疼痛;伤害;使伤心。一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,还可用作vi.动词,意为“疼痛、惹起痛苦”。 例: What he said hurt me deeply.他说的话使我非常伤心。It hurts when I move my leg.我的腿一动就疼。 ※wound指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中,战斗中受伤。 例: He got wounded in the fighting.他在战斗中受了伤。injure一般指由于意外或事故而受伤。:He was badly injured in the accident.他在这次事故中受了重伤 A. injury B. injuring C. being injured D. hurting 答案:C 4. shock (1) n. 震惊,打击,休克 例: They will get a shock when they get this bill. 他们收到这份账单时一定会大吃一惊。 The news of his mother’s death was a terrible shock to him. 他母亲去世的消息使他非常震惊。 知识拓展: in shock处于休克状态 (2) v. (使)震惊,震动 常构成短语: be shocked at sth. 因……而感到震惊 be shocked to do sth 对做某事感到震惊 It shocks sb. to do sth. ……使某人震惊



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