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云南省农村信用社贷款风险及防范对策 摘 要自20世纪80年代末以来,国际上出现了连续性、大范围的金融危机进一步让人们认识到了金融业的高风险性与脆弱性,尽管危机的表现各有不同,但探询其深层次的发生诱因,无不与过低质量的贷款资产有关。风险因素—不良贷款—扩大的风险—危机的到来,几乎是一条不变的定律,这一规律对于农村信用社来说,也不例外,甚至体现得更为充分:相对于其他金融机构,农村信用社业务种类单一,收益性资产几乎全部是贷款资产,风险集中度相当高,贷款资产的安全决定着信用社整体运行的安全,一旦贷款资产大面积出现风险,便意味着经营危机的到来,从农村信用社的历史逻辑和现实逻辑进行审视,农村信用社对贷款资产进行有效的风险管理,不仅具有历史根据,而且具有现实必要性、重要性和紧迫性。目前,农村信用社业务种类单一,收益性资产几乎全部是贷款资产,风险集中度相当高,尤其是信用风险。因此,农村信用社对贷款资产进行有效的风险管理,具有现实必要性和紧迫性。Since the late 1980s, international since appeared on continuity, a wide range of financial crisis, further to let people know to high risk in the financial sector, although crisis with vulnerability perform differently, but to explore the deep happened all too low to cause, with the loan assets related quality. Risk factors - non-performing loans - expanding the arrival of the risks - crisis, is almost a constant law, this law for rural credit cooperatives, it is no exception, even reflect more fully: relative to other financial institutions, rural credit cooperatives monotonous species, profitable assets business loans is almost entirely assets, risk concentration quite high, loan asset security decides the whole running safety, cooperatives large loan assets once appear, it means the risk from the arrival of business crisis history of rural credit cooperatives, logic and the realistic logic, rural credit cooperatives survey of loan assets for effective risk management, not only has the historical basis, but also has practical necessity and importance and urgency. At present, rural credit cooperatives business varieties of a single, almost entirely rentability assets loans is fairly high concentration of assets and risk, especially credit risk. Therefore, rural credit cooperatives to loan assets for effective risk management, the necessity and urgency of realistic. This paper in yunnan for example, rural credit cooperatives to rural credit cooperatives loan risk analysis and strategy. Key Words:Yunnan, rural credit cooperatives, loa


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