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PEP英语五年级上册复习资料 Unit 1:Young 年轻的?????funny 滑稽的????kind 和蔼的???thin 瘦的?????Mr 先生????? like 像、喜欢????? strict 严格的????? smart 聪明的????? active 积极的????? quiet 安静的????? very 很、非常????? but 但是Who’s your English teacher ????谁是你的英语老师?What’s he like ??? 他长得什么样?He’s tall and strong .??他高而强壮。 Is she quiet ????她很安静吗?Unit 2:Mondy 星期一????? Tuesday 星期二????? Wednesday 星期三????Thursday 星期四????Friday 星期五????Saturday 星期六????Sunday 星期天day 天????? have 有、吃?????do?homework 做作业?watch?? TV 看电视??? What day is it today ???今天星期几??What’s the date today?今天几号? What do you do on Saturdays ????星期六你常常干些什么???? I watch TV and do homework.??我看电视做作业??Unit 3:eggplant 茄子????? fish 鱼????? green beans 青豆????? tofu 豆腐????? potato 土豆????? tomato 西红柿?????? lunch 中餐???? fresh 新鲜的????? for 为?????? we 我们????? tasty 好吃的????favourite 最喜欢的????sweet 甜的?????sour 酸的????salty 咸的???? fruit 水果????? grape 葡萄What do you have for lunch on Mondays ??星期一你们午饭吃什么???What’s your favourite fruit ????你最喜欢的水果是什么??????????????????????????????????? ?Unit 4:Cook the meals做饭??? water the flowers 浇花??? sweep the floor 扫地clean the bedroom 打扫卧室?????make the bed 铺床????? set the table 摆饭桌????? wash the clothes 洗碗???? do the dishes 收拾衣服?????use a computer用计算机What can you do ? 你会干什么???????? I can cook the meals. ?我会做饭???Can you sweep the floor ??你会扫地吗????????There is a mirror, two chairs and a big closet.???我房间里有一面镜子,两把椅子和一个大衣橱。 The closet is near the table.?衣橱在桌子旁边。 Unit 5:closet 壁橱????? mirror 镜子???????? bedroom 卧室????? kitchen 厨房bathroom 卫生间living room 客厅????? in 在…里面????? on 在…上面under 在…下面??? near 在..旁边???behind 在…后边…旁边?? Unit 6:river 河流????? flower 花????? grass 草????? lake 湖泊????? forest 森林?????path 路????? park 公园????? picture 照片????? hourse 房子????? bridge 桥????? tree 树????? building 建筑物????? clean 干净的 Are there any pandas in the mountains???山里有熊猫吗????No, there aren’t.??? 不,没有。?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????一、找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的一项( ) 1. A. grape B. face C. cat D. table (


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