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有獎猜謎 認識我們美麗的家園 Appreciate the beauty of our home and adopted home - Taiwan and USA Where in Taiwan is this structure? 雙心石滬 石滬是先民智慧的展現,它是利用玄武岩和珊瑚礁所砌築的捕魚陷阱。而七美的雙心石滬因造型浪漫,吸引眾多的情侶前來,儼然成為澎湖觀光的代表景點。雙心石滬是澎湖地區眾多石滬中,保留最完整的石滬. This region in the USA known as Monument Valley sits on the border of two states. What states are they? Monument Valley A region of the?Colorado Plateau characterized by a cluster of vast sandstone?buttes, the largest reaching 1,000?ft (300?m) above the valley floor. It is located on the?Arizona-Utah?state line near the?Four Corner?area. 龜山島 Toward which direction is this turtle swimming? 烏龜的頭朝東, 西, 南, 北? East In what state in USA is this house known as Fallingwater? Fallingwater A house designed by architect?Frank Lloyd Wright?in 1935 in rural?southwester Pennsylvania, 43 miles (69?km) southeast of?Pittsburgh Frank Lloyd Wright also designed a museum in New York City. What museum is it? Where in Taiwan can you see this scene? And in what season? 老梅綠石槽 北海岸石門區老梅里的綠石槽海岸,為全台唯一特殊景觀, 「石槽」應稱為「海蝕溝」,大屯火山爆發後,遺留海岸邊的火山礁岩,在波浪長期沖刷下,留下較堅硬的部份而形成溝槽。冬季東北季風盛行時,浪花滋潤了石槽的岩面,也開始滋生「石蓴」、「裂片石蓴」和「扁石髮」等綠色的海藻。綠石槽只出現在四、五月份,隨後就在夏日陽光的曝曬下而消失。 這是什麼花? (Taiwan) 金針花,萱草 金針花學名是萱草,百合科,多年生草本植物,耐寒暑,適土性佳,夏天開花。 台東太麻里金針花季, 每年8~9月 花蓮金針花季, 花蓮縣玉里鎮赤柯山、富里鄉六十石山,每年8~9月 台灣特有的鳥類共?15?種. What bird is this, which is one of the 15 endemic species found only in Taiwan? 台灣藍鵲 鄉土名:山娘 學名:Urocissa caerulea 英文俗名:Taiwan Blue Magpie 科別:鴉科 What national park is this? What state is it located? Crater Lake National Park Oregon


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