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建築、工程、測量、都市規劃及園境界諮詢會議 Consultation Session (Architectural, Engineering, Landscape, Planning and Surveying) 日期: 22/02/2017 Date: 時間: 1830-2030 Time: 地點: 展城館多用途廳 Venue: 香港中環愛丁堡廣場3 號 Multi-purpose Hall, City Gallery 3 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong Mr Gerard Tsang, Moderator: 大家好,歡迎大家出席西九文化區管理局香港故宮文化博物館嘅諮詢會議,就呢個新館嘅初步構思提 供寶貴嘅意見。本人係今次會議嘅主持Gerard 曾柱昭 ,我有30 年策劃同埋營運不同博物館嘅經驗, 亦都曾經任呢個香港舞蹈團行政總監五年,我個人嘅興趣就為香港藝團編寫劇本,好高興今次喺呢個 展城館同建築專業界嘅代表見面。各位入場嘅時候,都會獲發一張發言嘅意向卡,如果各位想喺稍後 發表意見,請你喺卡上面填上你嘅姓名,將卡對接,然後放喺收集箱裏面,我哋嘅工作人員係會收集之 後,稍後我會以抽籤嘅形式決定邀請大家發表嘅次序。 今日會議嘅整個過程,都係會被錄音嘅。而且會交由一個獨立嘅研究機構進行分析,報告稍後會呈交 俾西九文化區管理局嘅董事局作呢個詳細嘅考慮。大會為各位預備咗粵語同埋英語嘅即時傳譯,如果 需要呢項服務嘅話 ,請向場內嘅工作人員示意,我哋呢就會俾個傳譯耳機俾你。 事不宜遲,我首先要介紹今日出席呢個諮詢會嘅西九管理局代表,佢哋分別係西九文化區管理局行政 總裁栢志高先生、營運總裁陳惠明博士 ,以及香港故宮文化博物館設計顧問嚴迅奇先生。首先我哋請 栢志高先生幫我哋講幾句 。 Mr Duncan Pescod, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority: Thank you Gerard! First of all, thanks for coming, I know 6:30 is probably a bit early for too many people but it’s good to see a few people here. I do want to thank you all for coming to this is the second consultation session for people from the architecture, engineering, planning and other professional groups. This is one in a series of sessions … is that better, can you hear me out there … this is the second in this series but it’s one of the series of sessions that we put together in the last few weeks, really to try [to] hear what people have to say on the development of the Hong Kong Palace Museum. It’s very clear there is a lot of interest in this project and that people do hold different views. We hope that through sessions like this and the ongoing collection of public opinions, we can ensure that views are heard from all sides. You may be aware that we recently announced an extension of the consultation p


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