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语方面、教学者、学习者自身因素、教学大纲等方面的影响,通过调 查问卷中学生出现的偏误来印证这一想法和寻找产生偏误的原因。根 据学生具体的问题和困难提出相应的教学策略和建议,希望能够对对 外汉语教学中颜色词文化义的教学尽一些绵薄之力。 本文共分五个部分: 第一部分是引言, 主要是对研究内容及其相关研究状况做了介 绍。 第二部分主要阐述了中蒙基本颜色的界定和中蒙基本颜色词文 化义的异同。 第三部分主要是通过学生所做的调查问卷反映出来的问题,统计 了蒙古国蒙根综合学校学生学习对汉语颜色词文化义的掌握情况,并 且分析了每道题目出现此结果的原因,随后是对产生偏误的原因进行 了分析。 第四部分是理论联系实际, 笔者通过调查结果和结合自己平常 的教学实践经验提出相应的教学策略和建议。 第五部分是结束语部分,对全文进行总结。 关键词:基本颜色词汇,对外汉语教学,偏误分析,教学策略 ABSTRACT In the language, the most active factor shall be the vocabulary.And the most dazzling class is the color words, which are not only have wide range of applications but also have the “special character” in Chinese culture. So color words has the incomparable role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and the culture meaning in the color words is more important and special.Color words refer to the cultural meaning other than the physical meaning, it means it is close to the nations culture, which produces a series of related cultural words.As we all know, china has a thousand years of history, and Chinese itself is complicated and richness, so even the most basic color words, it can have the very profound cultural connotation and the cultural shadow of Han nationality. So this is inevitably makes the barriers for language learning and cross-cultural communication.All in all, the basic color words should be given more attention in the teaching. In the school where I teach, students’difficulties in learning the culturalmeaning ofthe color words is my resistance in my teaching. And I believe that this resistance is inevitablein teaching Chinese asa foreign language ofthe other countries. For the primary cause of these difficulties, some experts and scholars already have made unremitting efforts, in order to solve these problems andpromotethe development ofteaching Chineseasa foreign language. The focus of this paper lies in teaching study of color words with their cult


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